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Industrial Mechanic Assembly & Welding Technology (m/f/x)

Become part of our team and bring precision to production!

Do you have an eye for quality, technical skills and want to be involved in state-of-the-art manufacturing processes? Then an exciting job awaits you as a mechanic at our customer ArianeGroup GmbH in Lampoldshausen (near Heilbronn), where you will make a decisive contribution with your expertise in assembly, welding technology and process optimization. Shape the future of production with us - structured, precise and with the highest quality standards!

The gross annual salary is between €45,200 and a maximum of €51,300. Please note that we can only consider candidates who have a valid work permit for the EU (not a student visa)

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Attractive remuneration

Equal Pay, Sonderzahlungen & übertarifliche Zuschläge 

Canteen and catering

delicious meals directly in the office in the canteen or cafeteria


Betriebliche Altersvorsorge mit attraktivem Arbeitgeberzuschuss

Individual development opportunities

internationale, konzernweite Weiterbildung & Entwicklung

Mobile & sustainable travelling

provision of employee parking spaces and subsidised travel costs

Optimum work-life balance

flexible working hours, 30 days holiday & special leave


  • Upgrading of UR gauges and support with acceptance and approval
  • Picking parts such as fittings, pipes and assembly parts
  • Preparation of work equipment and tools for the production process
  • Assembly and calibration of welding guns with the system
  • Programming and carrying out the welding process on the welding machine
  • Visual and dimensional inspection of weld seams and their documentation
  • Assembly of parts and components using construction documents and 3D models
  • Qualitative documentation of all work steps to ensure process quality


  • Successfully completed training as an industrial mechanic, cutting machine operator or comparable qualification
  • Several years of professional experience in technical documentation and assembly
  • Previous knowledge of welding (TIG orbital or comparable)
  • Proficient in German and English
  • Existing work permit for the EU (no student visa)


  • Standort Lampoldshausen
  • Berufsfeld Aviation, Mechanics
  • Vertragsform Temporary employment
  • Job-Id 15373


Susanne AckermannSenior Recruitment Consultant

E-Mail senden
+49 1520 1426478

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