Industrial clerks are among the most versatile employees in a company. With a deep understanding of business processes, they ensure that optimal working conditions prevail in all departments. Find a job as an industrial clerk at ARTS now. We publish numerous job advertisements for industrial clerks. Apply now for one of our vacancies!
Job opportunities
The profession of industrial clerk is one of the recognised training professions in Germany with a regular training period of three years. The aim is to prepare trainees for a wide range of commercial and business management tasks so that they will be able to carry out many company-relevant activities later in their careers. As excellently trained multi-talents, industrial clerks accordingly work in almost all industrial sectors, from construction to transport.
Due to the versatility of their tasks, industrial clerks need competences and skills in many areas. In addition to an affinity for business and mathematical issues, organisational talent and convincing communication skills, both written and spoken, good foreign language skills have become increasingly important in recent years in an increasingly global industry.
Industrial clerks work at ARTS or one of our partners in attractive sectors such as IT services or mechanical engineering, as well as in a variety of other industrial companies. The individual tasks depend on the department in which they work.
In the area of finance, for example, ARTS industrial clerks are responsible for a variety of calculative tasks. Among other things, they develop and implement pricing strategies for defined product and market segments. Furthermore, they bear general responsibility for gross pricing and supervise foreign companies with regard to their pricing processes. Industrial clerks in the field of finance regularly carry out calculations of offers and use their expertise to be able to guarantee adequate price determination and setting. In addition, continuous analysis, monitoring, optimisation and structuring of prices and conditions as well as detailed observation and analysis of the competition are necessary. In addition, ARTS industrial clerks identify potentials for increasing profitability and prepare regular analyses on the development of turnover and earnings.
After the introduction of measures such as an improvement in pricing, price enforcement and general pricing processes, industrial clerks take over the coaching of internal and local stakeholders in order to make the most important knowledge quickly accessible.
Are you interested in one of our job advertisements? You should have the following requirements for a job as an industrial clerk at ARTS or one of our customers:
industrial clerks completed training in 2020.
ARTS starts with the training of industrial clerks.
of industrial clerks are female.
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