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HR Consulting

With our HR consulting, we stay close to people and support employees, managers and companies in their development. Organisational and structural changes in the world of work, as well as increasing demands on professional and social skills, are constantly increasing the individual challenges facing companies and their employees. As a result, skilled workers in all areas of work will need targeted support for their skills and will also need to acquire entirely new competencies that companies will need to recognise and define. 

This presents companies with new challenges in HR issues such as sustainable talent management, HR process design and modern recruiting. We offer tailor-made HR consulting with a range of analytical tools and methods for sustainable talent management.


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How does HR consulting work at ARTS?

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Sharing the issue to be discussed. We ask for background and context in order to take a holistic view.


From structured interviews and employee surveys to our comprehensive SWOT analysis for HR, we use different analysis tools depending on the topic.

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Our experienced HR consultants will develop a concept for the development, optimisation or implementation of HR services that is tailored to your company's situation.


We are happy to assist you with professional internal communication, induction of the people involved and, if necessary, training within the company.

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HR Consulting with ARTS - Our focus


We work with you to find the most effective way to meet your staffing needs through the right recruitment process.

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HR Management

We will examine your existing HR processes and show you the potential for sustainable and long-termn improvement.

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HR development

HR development, competency models and feedback processes are just some of the areas in which we can support you.

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We are happy to advise you on how to optimise your existing onboarding process in a customised and sustainable way.

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Our neutral experts and coaches help employees affected by redundancy to develop new perspectives for your company.

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Your benefits with ARTS HR Consulting

Full Service HR Agency


As a 360° HR agency, we can cover all areas of HR. Professional support from experienced HR consultants with a wide range of expertise gives you a strategic advantage.


We are committed to working with our clients to develop long-term solutions that help to sustainably strengthen both your HR processes and your business as a whole.


Whether it is through our HR consultancy services or our bespoke outsourcing solutions, we will reduce your staffing costs while increasing quantity and quality.

saving costs


With us, you gain cost transparency thanks to a fixed project volume. At the same time, you know exactly what each step of our consultancy process entails.

CASE STUDY: HR Consulting for our client Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government

Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government is one of the largest operators of infrastructure in Germany. As a federally owned limited liability company, it is located at the interface between the private sector and public administration, which brings specific challenges when it comes to personnel recruitment. In order to shed light on these with an outside perspective, they decided to engage an HR consultancy, also due to their successful collaboration with ARTS in the area of High Volume Recruiting.


The recruitment process at Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government should meet all regulatory and legal requirements as well as contribute to attracting top candidates from the private sector.


In the first step, ARTS set up a metrics system of KPIs in recruiting, tailored to the internal circumstances, and established reporting as part of HR consulting. Subsequently, we set up a survey to record the satisfaction of candidates with the entire recruiting process. To provide direct support for all participants in the recruitment process, we created a handout on quality standards for handling job applications. Subsequently, in a cross-team workshop, we showed the possibilities of how the candidate experience can also be improved within the existing processes with small changes and thus increase the satisfaction of the applicants.


Thanks to HR consulting, the personnel recruitment department of Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government has various tools available to record and improve the quality of the application process within a stable system.

Frequently asked questions about HR Consulting

What does ARTS offer on the topic of personnel development & talent management?

In order to position you for the future in the face of constant change, it is important that your employees are also supported in their individual competences in order to be prepared for change. We support you in the further development of your strategy for education and training, in the establishment and expansion of an internal knowledge management system, in the introduction of feedback processes that suit your company and in talent management for the long-term promotion of young talent. Through an effective combination of knowledge management and talent development, we are able to help companies establish appropriate succession planning when filling key positions at an early stage. In our view, executive development is one of the most important building blocks for the success of a company. We will be happy to advise you on the further development of your employer branding strategy and the provision of leadership coaching.

To what extent does ARTS advise on recruitment?

Thanks to our extensive recruitment experience, our experts can help you with all modern recruitment issues. In addition to our Recruiting as a Service outsourcing services, we advise clients on the development of their own recruitment strategy, tailored to their industry, target candidates and organisation, and model the associated process for them. We also provide training for your HR and management teams, sharing our expertise in recruiting, social recruitment and interview design.
In order to create an attractive employer brand and the associated performance tools, we can advise you on brand building and performance enhancing employer branding measures and implement these for your company as part of our work as a HR marketing agency

HR Consulting or another service from ARTS? What do I really need?

Our HR consulting portfolio covers a wide range of HR consulting services. Contact us so that we can work together to identify your organisation's current challenges.

What is behind human resources process consulting?

HR work is characterised by countless repetitive processes. Thanks to our experience as an HR Shared Service Provider, we are aware of the many ways in which processes can be streamlined and optimised. We can offer you a comprehensive analysis of your processes or transfer them to our HR Shared Service Centre.

How does outplacement work?

Companies that have to deal with redundancies, i.e. outplacement, are usually reluctant to do so and look for a solution that is as socially acceptable as possible. Outplacement can make the separation process particularly fair and respectful. 

Which HR areas exist?

Depending on the size of a company, human resources or the human resources (HR) department may consist of several areas. Generally, the HR department focuses on the three main functions of recruitment, personnel administration and personnel management. These functional areas can be further subdivided, with the extent of the subdivision depending on the size of the company.

The HR area of personnel recruitment includes, among other things, recruiting and applicant management, as well as employer branding and hr marketing.

The area of HR administration usually includes particularly administrative tasks, such as drawing up employment contracts, processing vacation requests, sickness notifications, and applications for training and continuing education, or managing the (digital) personnel file.

In the area of personnel management, the HR department is responsible for taking personnel-related measures that contribute to the growth of the company and promote change processes.

HR Consulting what is it?

HR Consulting refers to services provided by external consultants (HR Consultants) in the field of Human Resources. HR Consulting service providers help organizations address various HR challenges and provide advice, expertise and solutions to HR related issues.

HR Consulting can vary depending on the specific needs of the client. Here are some examples of typical areas where HR consulting is used:

Strategic HR Consulting: HR Consulting helps companies develop and implement an effective HR strategy that is aligned with business objectives. Thus, it helps to develop HR strategies that promote the company's growth and performance.

Organizational Development: HR consultants assist in designing and optimizing organizational structures, processes, and workflows. They help companies create more efficient work environments and improve collaboration and communication within the company.

Change Management: In change processes, HR consultants support companies in managing change successfully. They help with communication, employee engagement, and implementation of new processes to ensure a smooth transition.

Talent management: HR consultants offer support in developing and implementing talent management strategies to ensure that the company has the right people with the required skills and competencies. This includes recruitment, selection, development, succession planning and performance management.

HR Technology and Systems: HR consultants help companies select, implement, and optimize HR technology and HR information systems. They assist in integrating HR software solutions to enable more efficient HR processes and improved data management.

HR Consulting offers companies the opportunity to draw on the expertise and experience of external experts to improve their HR practices, address challenges, and ensure effective and strategic HR alignment.


Are you interested in any of our HR consulting services?

Are you facing a strategic or operational HR challenge and need an external opinion? We would be happy to discuss possible solutions with you in a no-obligation initial consultation.

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