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ARTS - Your Recruiting Agency

How does recruiting consulting and support work at ARTS?

You tell us which recruiting process step you need support with and we tell you how to get it. Our advice and support as a recruiting agency is always clear, transparent and focused on your requirement.

  • Step 1: You indicate to us wheter and where you need support in your recruiting process.
  • Step 2: We develop optimal solutions for you to achieve your goal.
  • Step 3: You decide on the offer that suits you best.
  • Step 4: We implement the chosen solution for you, analyse and report to you on any progress, and adjust process steps as needed.
  • Step 5: We accompany you until you have reached your goals.

Recruiting as a Service (RPO)

As a modern recruiting agency, we offer our services as part of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). We take over your recruiting tasks - completely or in parts - transparently, remotely, immediately and at an attractive price.


Active Sourcing

Addressing passive candidates in social networks through active sourcing is now part of every recruiting strategy. This requires your own candidate network and the regular maintenance of each channel - ARTS can take care of this for you.

Active Sourcing

Temporary Staffing

Temporary staffing enables you to flexibly cover project-related peaks in demand and thus your short-term staffing requirements. We provide you with suitable employees.

In many industries, temporary staffing is used to get a detailed picture of future employees. We support this possibility in order to check a long-term match. 

Temporary Staffing

High Volume Recruiting

High Volume Recruiting is the first choice if you want to successfully fill many positions in a short time. We develop and adopt a recruiting funnel tailored to your needs and are able to recruit up to 1000 employees per year for you. 

High Volume Recruiting

Head Hunting / Personnel Placement

We have been active in personnell placement and head hunting for more than 20 years - we find the right experts and convince them of your company.

Personnel Placement


Would you rather ask than read?

Do you have a specific question or are you facing a current challenge that you would like to tackle with a trustworthy, creative partner and advisor?

Then don't hesitate to get in touch and arrange an initial meeting with us.

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What recruiting solutions do we offer

#short-term solutions:

We support you at short notice with the right people from our comprehensive pool. Depending on your requirements, we are able to advise you at short notice or support you directly in the implementation.

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#medium-term solutions:

We support you in the medium and long term in filling vacancies along the entire candidate journey. Starting with the SEO optimisation of your jobs to the right channel selection in multiposting, with our knowledge in active sourcing to candidate interviews - for the optimal staffing of your positions.

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#long-term solutions:

We support you in setting up high-performance recruiting processes and systems. This starts with your employer brand, continues with market cultivation, job management and multiposting. We show you the optimal approach, gladly conduct the interviews and convince your desired candidates of your company. In this way, you benefit from a sustainable company solution and build up a pool of potential candidates (high potentials).

Contact us

CASE STUDY: Recruiting Consulting & Support for our client Klüh Catering GmbH

We advise our clients on how to optimize their HR performance, use sound analysis methods for sustainable competence management and support them in their search for candidates.


Klüh Catering GmbH was looking for the right way to successfully fill vacancies via social media and active sourcing. The HR department needed to increase its knowledge about active recruitment. Open vacancies were to gain overall reach.


ARTS trained the HR staff on the topic of active sourcing. ARTS revised jobs that were particularly difficult to fill according to current standards and SEO keyword optimisation. The jobs were then published in the ARTS network, on suitable social media channels and groups, as well as in relevant job boards and CV databases.


Reservations about active sourcing have been removed, and the HR department has been given the basic tools to act independently in this area. Through job optimisation, the visibility of all vancies was significantly improved and the quantity and quality of incoming applications was increased.

Excerpt of our areas of expertise as a recruiting agency

Extract from our commercial services

  • HR Business Partner
  • Personnel administrators
  • Accountants / Controllers
  • Assistance
  • Industrial clerks
  • Sales staff
  • Lawyers

Extract from our technical services

  • Software Engineer / IT Supporter
  • Project Engineer
  • Quality Manager / Auditor
  • Electricians / Mechanics
  • Logistician
  • Service Technician
  • Civil Engineer

What our customers say

ARTS quickly recognizes the requirements of the respective recruiting process and then provides very professional support in the implementation. The cooperation is always collegial, with a lot of mutual understanding and flexibility in case of short-term requirements.
We are very satisfied with ARTS' support and would recommend the collaboration to anyone who needs help in their search for talent.

Silke Schöttler
Senior Talent Expert bei Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

"I would also like to thank you for the very pleasant cooperation.

It was always a pleasure to solve small and big problems with you in your friendly, humorous and very competent way."

Wilfried König
Head of Department Building Management, Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes


"ARTS trained us on active sourcing. We received good examples, great insights and everything explained in an understandable way."

Julia Dreßler
HR Recruiter, Klüh Catering GmbH

ARTS takes over a large part of the recruitment process for us. They advertise the jobs, actively search for candidates and filter out those who best fit the position. This allows us to continue to focus on the project business without neglecting recruitment.

Andreas Roth
Dev Lead & Trainer, esveo GmbH 

"We have been working with ARTS for over 5 years on a basis of mutual trust. In recruiting, market analyses as well as in the exchange on challenging topics, ARTS is always at our disposal with professional know-how and expertise with a very good personal support. We highly appreciate the reliable and trustful cooperation based on partnership."

Sabrina Fichter, Head of Human Resources, XENON Automatisierungstechnik GmbHs

Recruiting Agency ARTS - Your advantages

  • In partnership with you, we design the most effective way for you to meet your staffing needs through the right recruiting process.
  • We will advise you on the different and most suitable types of contract for you.
  • Through us, you will find the most sustainable, fastest and most cost-effective solution for you.
  • You can concentrate on your core tasks, because we take care of your recruitment process, in parts or as a whole.


Frequently asked questions about recruiting and working with a recruiting agency at a glance

What makes for good recruiting?

The role of recruiting has changed significantly in recent years. The traditional ways no longer work as they used to. There is a need for a new mindset in recruiting, in that there is more intensive cross-departmental collaboration with marketing, specialist departments and management, and potential applicants are approached via all possible channels, (online) career fairs, but also the professional/private network. Recruiting agencies are also a good way to expand the network. Recruiters today are not only a sales talent of job offers, but also business savvy, who knows their target group inside and out, especially professionally, and where to find them. Our recruiters act as consultants for your company.

What is behind the terms active sourcing, social recruiting and social media recruiting?

As recruitment consisting of HR marketing, employer branding and recruiting is undergoing major changes, new methods are also developing in this area:

With active sourcing, you proactively identify potential employees on the labour market who are not currently actively looking for a job. With this method, you approach passive applicants directly and try to maintain personal contact until they are recruited. Your own talent pool can help here, but also social or career networks such as Xing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Indeed, Stepstone and many more.

Based on this, one finds terms such as social recruiting or social media recruiting.These describe the combination of active sourcing and other means of communication in social media. These include contact points through target group-specific ad advertising or the free distribution of content and job offers with a company profile in social networks or the display of paid advertisements in social media, so-called programmatic ads.

ARTS as a recruiting agency or another ARTS service? What do I really need?

Ultimately, it depends on your challenge and your time horizon. If one or more positions need to be filled quickly, we are able to fill positions fast and uncomplicated by means of recruitment process outsourcing or interim management, among others.

However, when it comes to the long-term conception of your HR processes, we analyse your actual challenges together with you within the framework of our HR consulting. We develop practical recommendations in the areas of HR marketing, employer branding and personnel development, among others.

How much does recruiting cost?

It is difficult to give concrete figures because the cost of recruiting depends heavily on individual circumstances. What is clear, however, is that in times of inflation and a shortage of skilled workers, recruiting costs also rise.

The cost of recruiting can vary depending on the measures chosen to fill the position. One popular approach is to place online job ads, which typically cost between €700 and €1,300 for a 30-day placement at major national job boards. However, prices can drop significantly when larger contingents are purchased. Packages of ads are also often placed on several online job boards, which can increase costs. However, there is no guarantee that enough interested parties will see the ad and apply within the 30 days. Still, companies must bear the cost.

Another strategy is to place job ads or social media ads using the CPC (cost-per-click) method, in which payment is made only for each click on the ad. With targeted use, applications can be generated at low cost without any financial impact from wastage. However, it is important to consider the entire recruiting process in order to achieve the desired success. A CPC campaign can waste a lot of money if the ads and the associated landing page or career website do not provide meaningful information and convenient application options.

One way to recruit effectively is with our Recruiting as a Service packages. This means that we take over individual tasks or entire processes in recruiting and work transparently and at an attractive price to the extent you require.

Which types of recruiting exist?

Active recruiting: Companies proactively search for suitable candidates. This may involve placing job advertisements, attending career fairs or active sourcing of potential candidates. Active recruiting aims to expand the applicant pool and address qualified candidates.

Passive recruiting: Here the company focuses on attracting potential candidates who may not be actively looking for new positions. This can be achieved by building and maintaining a talent pool to identify and stay in touch with potential candidates. In addition, employer branding plays an important role in building a positive employer image. Unsolicited applications from interested candidates can also be part of passive recruiting.

Internal recruiting: this involves filling open positions within the company with existing employees. This can be done through internal job postings, promotions or restructuring within the company. Internal recruiting promotes employee development, improves employee retention, and allows the company to leverage internal expertise.

External recruiting: in external recruiting, the company looks for new talent outside the company. This can be done by placing job ads on job portals, participating in career fairs or using online networks. External recruiting expands the applicant pool and allows companies to bring in new skills and perspectives.

Online recruiting: This type of recruiting uses digital platforms and technologies to attract and evaluate candidate :in. These include online job boards, company websites, social media, virtual job fairs, video interviews and online assessment tools. Online recruiting offers efficiency, reach, and the ability to reach potential candidate :ins digitally.

How to create a recruiting concept?

There is no universal solution for a successful recruiting concept, as this is based on the very individual requirements of the company. 

In any case, a recruiting concept should include an analysis of current and future staffing needs. Within the scope of this analysis, open positions, the requirements for the candidates and the time frame in which the positions have to be filled are identified. A good recruiting concept also includes the individual recruiting measures that are best suited to address and reach the target groups. These include placing job ads, using online job boards, social media recruiting, career fairs, employee referral programs and other appropriate channels. These measures also require specific budget planning.

Another point to consider when creating a recruiting concept is the application and selection process. A clear definition of the steps candidates have to go through as well as evaluation tools ensure that the process is efficient, fair and transparent. In order to establish a long-term and sustainable recruiting concept in the company, it is essential that it is recorded in writing and accessible to all employees involved. Training and instructions for the employees involved in the recruiting process also help to ensure that the concept is implemented correctly.

It is important that the recruiting concept is continuously reviewed, updated and adapted to the changing needs and circumstances of the company.

What is strategic recruiting?

Strategic recruiting refers to a long-term and planned approach to attracting and selecting talent that is closely linked to a company's business objectives and corporate strategy. More specifically, strategic recruiting is preliminary work to the actual recruiting strategy. It focuses on building a qualified, committed and diverse team that contributes to the achievement of organizational goals.


Do you want to ask instead of reading?

True to the motto "Offers only hurt those who don't have any", we are available to you at any time by phone, in person or by e-mail and will discuss with you what your individual solution might look like.

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Aileen Kreibich General Manager of ARTS Experts GmbH +49 172 24 81 43 8 Add as LinkedIn contact Add as XING contact

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