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Payroll Outsourcing: Your key to efficient payroll accounting

Do you want to outsource your payroll without compromising on the support and care of your employees? You can rely on us to provide comprehensive support in all aspects of payroll, from ensuring accurate compliance to responding quickly to employee queries.

Reduce your staff costs by outsourcing your payroll: the cost of recruiting and training specialist staff in this area can be considerable. By outsourcing to us, you avoid these costs while benefiting from our expertise and experience.

Completing your monthly payroll on time, regardless of the number of employees, is a promise we take seriously. Our commitment includes strict compliance with all legal requirements and collective agreements, as well as the timely submission of the necessary official documents.

We offer a range of pricing models and service packages that can be tailored to your individual needs. Choose professional and reliable payroll services and contact us today!

Satisfied Customers

Payroll outsourcing - our portfolio

Preparation of monthly payroll, taking into account collective agreements and company agreements

Managing and administering payroll accounts

Preparing and submitting reports to the Artists' Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Employment Agency and other authorities

Print HR Marketing

Preparation of certificates of employment and any other relevant documents

Implementation of the company pension scheme and travel expense reporting

Expertise in implementing DATEV, Odoo and other accounting software

Payroll outsourcing from €14.75

Our payroll experts can take care of your employees' hourly payroll, whatever the size of your business. We ensure strict compliance with all relevant regulations and legislation, and have extensive experience of various collective agreements, including TVöD and the collective agreement for the metal and electrical industries.

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Salary processing from €13.75

Our service provides you with a comprehensive payroll service, ensuring the accurate and compliant processing of your employees' salaries, allowances and tax deductions. With over 20 years' experience in payroll services, we ensure that all legal requirements are met and your employees are paid on time.

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Payroll outsourcing - the benefits

Fixed price guarantee

We agree a fixed price with you for each employee to be billed.


Short-term project starts are no problem for us - just get in touch!


We provide you with scalable billing processes that can be expanded as required.


We can support you 100% remotely or on-site at your premises.

Payroll outsourcing
combined with HR as a service

As a 360° HR agency, we are driven by a passion for HR and we live this passion in every solution we provide, including payroll for our clients. Our formula for success: payroll accounting combined with HR as a service. Let us work together to design the right outsourcing solution for you!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Payroll Outsourcing

How much does it cost to outsource payroll?

Payroll is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a high level of expertise. By outsourcing your payroll to us, you save valuable time that can be spent on more important tasks in your business.

We offer our clients different pricing models depending on the level of service required and the number of employees. The entry-level price for the preparation of payslips is €14.75. We offer separate pricing models for the preparation of payslips. Due to the lower complexity, the entry price is €13.75 per employee.

Contact us and after a free initial consultation we will provide you with a personalised quotation tailored to your needs and budget.

The cost of outsourcing your payroll to an experienced service provider such as ourselves must be weighed against the cost savings that can be achieved. On the one hand, you avoid the cost of hiring and training specialist staff in-house. On the other hand, by outsourcing your payroll, you save valuable time that can be used for more important tasks in your business.

What do you need to take into account with electronic payroll accounting?

According to § 108 GewO, employers are obliged to provide their employees with a payslip in text form. Digital pay slips are permissible if the employee has given his or her consent (LAG Hamm, judgement of 23.09.2021, ref.: 2 Sa 179/21).

Advantages of digital payroll:

  • Optimisation of internal processes: Time savings through automated processes and digital archiving.
  • Increased efficiency: Reduced administrative workload and costs.
  • Flexible access: Employees can view their pay slips online at any time.
  • Sustainability: Reduce paper consumption and environmental impact.

Content requirements:

The digital payslip must contain the same information as the traditional paper form, in accordance with Section 1 of the Salary Certification Ordinance:

  • Employer details: name, address
  • Employee details: Name, address, date of birth, tax class, tax number
  • Employment details: Start and, if applicable, end of employment, payroll period
  • Wage composition: gross wage/salary, benefits in kind, capital formation benefits, company pension scheme, tax allowances, church tax, social security contributions, personal deductions, expense allowances, amount paid out.

The digital payslip must be in PDF format or another common format that can be easily opened and read by the employee. In addition, the electronic transmission of the payslip should take place via a secure channel in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the data.

In summary, digital payroll offers many benefits to employers and employees. It is legally permissible and fulfils all the requirements for text form. For increased efficiency, flexible access and sustainability, companies should consider moving to digital processes. Contact us if you need further assistance.

What is included in payroll?

Payroll is a complex and sensitive area of accounting that plays a central role in human resources. It deals with the efficient management and processing of all financial aspects relating to a company's employees. Modern software solutions support the efficient and error-free processing of payroll.

The main tasks of payroll accounting include recording working hours, calculating gross and net wages, paying wages and salaries, reporting to the authorities, and archiving and documentation. 

Would you like to outsource your payroll? Trust ARTS as an experienced HR agency with over 20 years of experience and expertise.

Payroll is the link between Human Resources and Financial Accounting and plays a key role in the following critical HR areas

  • Employer branding: accurate and timely payroll payments are essential for employee satisfaction and motivation.
  • Financial stability: Avoiding errors and penalties through accurate payroll ensures the financial health of the company.
  • HR management: Payroll provides critical data and metrics for workforce planning and development.
  • Expertise and legal certainty: Payroll requires in-depth knowledge of complex areas such as tax law, employment law and accounting principles. By working with experienced payroll experts, companies can ensure that all processes are handled in a legally compliant and efficient manner.

With the right approach and professional support, payroll can be a powerful tool for your business.


Are you looking for an efficient and reliable payroll solution?

Take the pressure off yourself and your business by relying on our payroll expertise. Choose professional and reliable payroll services and contact us today! We will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with a no-obligation quote.

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