In the modern working world, hardly any machine functions without the corresponding software. The development and individual adaptation of such special software is carried out by capable programmers who are very familiar with both the machines and the software environment. Find your job as a programmer with ARTS here. Numerous job offers as a programmer are waiting for you. Apply now!
If you have a job as a programmer, you will take on some of the most important tasks in the development of new products, machines and systems: you will program the necessary software and also ensure that the automation functions as planned after completion. The work begins with conceptual design, continues with development and programming, and often ends with implementation and commissioning at the customer's site.
Programmers usually have a background in engineering or computer science, through a relevant degree or specialist training. A job as a programmer is also open to career changers with sufficient expertise, as job offers often require concrete experience and knowledge - for example in certain programming languages.
Programming is now mostly a team effort, especially in industrial plants or other large-scale IT projects. In addition to the necessary programming skills, programmers should therefore also have the ability to work in a team and good communication skills.
Programmers work for ARTS and our customers in attractive industries such as aerospace technology, electronics, component manufacturers, automation technology or the metalworking industry.
ARTS programmers are involved in the design and creation of machine and plant software, for example for packaging machines. Their main tasks here are in the areas of software conception and HMI visualisation. In addition to internal software development, they also realise and supervise specific customer projects, both in the company itself and at the customer's site. In doing so, they accompany the project up to the independent commissioning of the automation technology after installation at the customer's site.
Are you interested in one of our job advertisements? You should have the following requirements for a job as a programmer at ARTS or one of our customers:
67k Euro
average gross annual salary
programming languages worldwide
essential job requirements
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