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Mobile working - is location-independent working right for me?

04/09/2024 2024/09

Working from anywhere in the world. That sounds like a dream for many employees with wanderlust. Whether from their desk at home, a café in Paris or on a beach in Bali, many companies now enable their employees to work from anywhere. Imagine your colleague returning to her beach house after her morning walk and starting the virtual conference. A few time zones away, a colleague joins in. So it seems like a no-brainer, but is this modern way of working also suitable for you?

Mobile working - what characterises this form of work?

Location-independent working, mobile working or remote working describes working without a permanently assigned workplace. This form of work is therefore limited to specific activities that do not require presence at the workplace. Employees are free to choose where they work from. The only thing that counts is the work result, which must be digitally realisable. This is made possible by digitalisation, new work concepts and communication via email, telephone or platforms.

Working remotely - is that really what I want?

The decision in favour of the new form of working remotely should nevertheless be carefully considered. Every personality copes with the circumstances differently. Not everyone is suitable for working remotely. There are many reasons for this. The following advantages and disadvantages of the model are suitable for an initial assessment.

What advantages can I benefit from with mobile working?

As a remote worker, you enjoy a number of advantages compared to a traditional working model. 

Flexibility: If you are not dependent on a fixed place of work, there are no limits when it comes to customising your working environment and this is therefore not important for the employer. Are you an enthusiastic globetrotter? Then this model will benefit you. You can spend the morning programming the company website by the hotel pool and the afternoon exploring a new city. But even those less interested in travelling can benefit from the lack of geographical restrictions, as it is possible to carry out a job for the employer of your choice without having to move home. 

Productivity: The customisation of the working environment described above can also lead to an increase in concentration and therefore productivity. The ability to block out the background noise of everyday office life allows some employees to perform at their best. Are you one of them?

Saving time: Similarly, location independence supports the expansion of your work-life balance. For example, not having to travel to work frees up time that can be used individually. No matter whether for private appointments, hobbies or health measures.

Work-life balance: Due to the advantages mentioned above, remote work is a favoured work concept, especially when it comes to reconciling work and private activities. Do you need to quickly drive the children to school or nursery or pick them up? Would you like to spend the afternoon with your family in the garden and only finish any outstanding tasks in the evening? Do you want to work out at the gym for an hour before starting work? No problem for a remote worker.

Health: The combination of these benefits can have a decisive impact on physical and mental health. Stressful situations such as long commutes or possible difficulties with other colleagues can be avoided, which increases mental well-being, among other things. 

Further advantages: In addition to the obvious advantages, remote work also brings other interesting benefits. By eliminating the commute to work, money can effectively be saved on car or public transport. The personal ecological footprint can also be reduced by not using the car...

A man sits in a chair in front of his car and works with his laptop on his lap.
Remote work has disadvantages for employees that should be taken into account.
Remote work has disadvantages for employees that should be taken into account.

What disadvantages can I expect as a remote worker?

However, the mobile working model also has disadvantages for employees that you should take into consideration.

Unclear boundaries: The characteristic of the undefined workplace, which is initially seen as positive, contains equally negative aspects. It allows the boundaries between the world of work and individual leisure time to become blurred. This means that the work-life balance can be lost just as easily as it was initially created by the model. The best way to prevent this is to have a strong sense of self-management and time management.

Personal contact: Do you enjoy socialising and love the office buzz? Then one downside of remote working is the inhibition of networking with colleagues, which can lead to a feeling of isolation. There is a risk of a lack of integration, especially in hybrid teams consisting of stationary and remote workers. This can be attributed in particular to the partial lack of acceptance of stationary employees with regard to remote workers and requires special attention with regard to team building

Development opportunities: There are also reports of remote employees not being recognised by their superiors in terms of professional development, making it difficult for them to take advantage of existing career opportunities.

Working methods: Furthermore, you should observe their way of working, because the increased productivity emphasised by containing distractions in everyday office life must be considered on a person-by-person basis. Some employees allow themselves to be distracted outside the office, so that their concentration and productivity actually decrease and their performance is poor.


Mobile working undoubtedly has various advantages. Whether it is the right thing to do ultimately depends on personal preferences, lifestyle and professional requirements. For companies, this form of working is a major challenge and requires certain adjustments to the management style. However, if you are offered the opportunity, it is a fantastic way to escape the normal nine-to-five job. Open-minded, adventurous characters in particular should find this way of working appealing, as it offers a combination of practising your chosen profession and discovering new places. However, mobile working should be carefully considered, as not every personality is suited to it. Detailed planning and careful consideration are essential beforehand. It is worth taking a critical look at your own working habits and needs and, if necessary, considering a hybrid solution that combines the best of both worlds. So how do you decide? In the office with your favourite colleagues, under palm trees on a distant beach or sometimes here, sometimes there?


About the Author
Linda Wobus
Student trainee Social Media Recruiting

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