The term craft is a generic term for a variety of activities which, in contrast to mass production, are carried out in detailed individual work. Qualified craftsmen:inside take over numerous tasks with care and expertise also in many companies and industries. Are you looking for a new job in the skilled trades? ARTS offers job opportunities in the skilled trades with customers throughout Germany. Apply now!
Job opportunities
In order for a company to operate properly, a variety of additional work is required that is not always necessarily directly related to value creation. Many such activities, for example in the area of care and maintenance of the premises, are carried out by qualified and motivated craftsmen and fitters. These can be permanently employed by the company or called in via specialized service providers.
Since reading and implementing assembly plans is one of the most important tasks, a technical education is advantageous. In addition to technical expertise, an appropriate appearance with the customer and a high degree of diligence in completing the tasks are particularly advantageous.
Craftsmen work for ARTS and our partners in a wide range of companies and industries. They are particularly in demand at specialized project service providers in the field of industrial assembly or at rental space service providers. Here, they take on a variety of different tasks that keep the premises in the best possible condition.
The day-to-day work of ARTS craftsmen and women includes a wide variety of maintenance and property care tasks. For example, they are responsible for troubleshooting in the electrotechnical area, installing air conditioning and sanitary elements, and carrying out general repair and maintenance work. In addition, they are responsible for various assembly and retrofitting work, such as installing industrial gates and loading platforms at customer sites or upgrading gate systems with modern drive and control technology.
However, tradespeople can also be involved in production at ARTS and our partners. Here, they can either take on direct production steps, for example in the construction of container frames or in lightweight construction, or they can perform supporting tasks such as the preparation and post-processing of tools and working materials.
A final important aspect of working in the trades involves properly performing functional tests and important service documentation.
Are you interested in one of our job postings? You should have the following requirements for a job in the skilled trades at ARTS or one of our customers:
million handicraft businesses in Germany.
million craftspeople in Germany.
billion euros turnover in the crafts sector.
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