Corporate benefits - once an absolute rarity, now an indispensable part of the world of work 4.0. Demographic change and the resulting shortage of skilled workers are driving the shift from an employer market to an employee market. Companies are increasingly finding themselves in the "war of talents" to fill vacant positions with suitable personnel. As a result, the needs of employees are becoming a success factor in this battle, which can be won with the help of specifically designed corporate benefits. But what makes today's employees tick? Find out in this article.
The term corporate benefits is on everyone's lips, which is why you've probably come across it several times. Translated, it means corporate benefits - but what does it actually mean? The term leads to confusion, even though the explanation is so simple. Corporate benefits describe employee advantages or employee offers and include additional benefits that employers offer their employees in an employment relationship. A distinction is made between monetary and non-monetary benefits.
However, companies should not see the introduction of benefits merely as a compulsion to secure their competitive future. Rather, employers should view corporate benefits as a long-term investment. Company-specific benefits for employees lead not only to an increase in employer attractiveness and, in this sense, also to an increase in employee satisfaction, but also to sustained motivation and long-term loyalty to the company. And, quite incidentally, the competitive advantage of a strong employer brand is also served in this way.
The spectrum of needs of employees is as diverse as every person and their personality in this world. Nevertheless, needs can already be derived that are increasingly prioritized by employees.
On the one hand, employees prioritize the need for flexibility in the workday in order to ensure an optimal connection between work and private life. This is accompanied by the desire for a pronounced work-life balance, family-friendliness and, in particular, the possibility of flexible working. Similarly, team spirit is high on the agenda. Work is now characterized by togetherness and less by working against each other. As a result, team spirit is now also a reason for staying or leaving a job. The need for a sustainable life is also becoming more and more important in terms of world events, and this needs to be integrated into the world of work. More and more, people are aiming to keep their own ecological footprint as small as possible. Companies can also be a support in this regard and really score points when converting this into suitable benefits!
There are generally no limits to the design of benefits, and they must be tailored to the needs of the company's own employees. A general approach is therefore not very effective, as there is also a certain generational and gender dependency. Nevertheless, we have collected the most popular benefits here as inspiration:
The development of employee benefits is not standing still - quite the opposite! If you look beyond the end of your nose, you will probably already find the future trend benefits in countries outside Germany. German companies, however, are still holding back in these areas.
The world of corporate benefits is vast and the options are many. The benefits presented in this article merely represent a general picture. It is therefore advisable to specifically coordinate them with the needs of the employees in a company, for example through surveys. But the employees should also feel encouraged to express their needs at any time and should also be given the feeling that they are being listened to. Only in this way can both sides contribute to a satisfactory working environment and long-term success!
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