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What solutions do we offer in the area of HR development?

Leadership development

Managers encounter various challenges in their daily work. We have developed individual training courses that focus on specific topics. All trainings can be booked individually or in combination with each other as a modular package individually tailored to your executives.

Leadership development

Resilience Training

The regained well-being of our colleagues has spurred us on to make our resilience training available beyond the boundaries of the company. With our training, we support your employees and managers in staying satisfied, healthy and productive in all situations.

Resilience Training

Leadership Coaching

No one is born a leader. In many cases, it means first and foremost coming to terms with oneself. In executive coaching, we accompany you in finding and sharpening your profile as a leader - including the question of what good leadership actually means to you?

Leadership Development

HR Development Consulting

Personnel development strategy, competence models and requirement profiles, feedback processes and potential assessment, career models, knowledge management, trainee programs - personnel development is a broad field. Since only a few companies can provide experts for all these topics, we are happy to share the diverse expertise of our team with our clients.



Further Education

We design our trainings with a broad spectrum of know-how, methods, ideas and diverse experiences. Our philosophy is to transfer the competence of the topic to you, so that you can safely meet the challenges in personnel topics in the future.

Further Education

Do you have any questions? We can help you!

Get a non-binding consultation now. Simply fill out our contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

CASE STUDY: HR development for Airbus

Due to the start of deliveries of the Airbus A320neo from 2016, the need for personnel development and training increased at an Airbus division in Germany. In particular, the further training measures for aircraft maintenance technicians for the airlines were carried out as external personnel development at Airbus as the manufacturer.


The Airbus Training Center and the internal HR department had to cope with the additional work in personnel development on schedule.


ARTS was able to support with specialist knowledge and routine in the planning of additional personnel development measures.


Thanks to customer-oriented needs analysis and efficient resource planning in personnel development, the required further training measures were available on time.

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What our customers say

"After all, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel yourself; you can simply learn from the best. What particularly impressed me was that you can sense the customer orientation, innovative strength and expertise of the ARTS employees from the very first moment. The coaching was not only of great benefit for the processes in my own company. I also got some important impulses for my own consulting performance towards my customers, which I implement every day in my work. Many thanks to the team at ARTS!"

Tina Bolduan, Managing Director strategy4future

"I found the cooperation with ARTS very pleasant and, of course, at eye level. The objectives, contents and the corresponding framework were discussed in detail in advance and wishes were taken into account. A professional concept, offer and training content were very convincing. Afterwards, we evaluated the training together and agreed on new goals. All in all, a very successful leadership training."



How does HR development (L&D) work with ARTS?

Personnel development or Learning and Development comes in very different 'collar sizes': we look at which one suits you best! Therefore, we can only give an approximate overview here, because from minor adjustments to a complete redesign, we accompany you every step of the way.

  • Step 1: Together with your HR department, our HR specialists get a picture of the current status of personnel development in your company.
  • Step 2: Through a precise needs analysis, we identify the key areas for pragmatic learning and development.
  • Step 3: If required, we develop strategies and concepts for management development, succession planning, knowledge management or other areas of personnel development.
  • Step 4: Depending on your needs, we support you in the selection of further education measures, conduct training for you or ensure the further development of your employees through external personnel development.
  • Step 5: Our evaluation and success control of the personnel development measures shows you that you are on the right track.

HR development - The qualifications of our trainers

Practical experience:

  • Years of experience in strategic and operative personnel development in SMEs and large companies
  • Conception, organization and implementation of trainings on professional and interdisciplinary topics
  • Talent management, e.g. for apprentices, dual students, graduates, young professionals
  • Industry knowledge especially in industry and production as well as in different service sectors

Theoretical background:

  • Scientific background: Anchored by degrees in all aspects of human resource management
  • Regular further training in the field of HR, New Work and Learning
  • Competencies through train-the-trainer and coaching courses
  • Cross-industry exchange on best practices through networking events, e.g. with universities (TU Dortmund, TU Darmstadt, FH Dresden), Corporate Learning Community, UCN Community


HR development (L&D) with ARTS - your advantages 

  • We guarantee you a continuous, scalable personnel development - from SME to large companies, operational to strategic.
  • You receive a modern, competence-oriented personnel development.
  • In addition to classic training courses, we also provide you with impulses for new learning formats, internal knowledge transfer and microlearning options.
  • We relieve your personnel department, e.g. by searching for suitable further training measures.
  • We offer you an independent needs analysis for your personnel development.
  • With our support you get satisfied employees through development opportunities and career planning.


Frequently asked questions about HR development (L&D)

In which topics of personnel development lies the expertise of ARTS?

As our team consists of experts from different career paths and fields of interest, our consulting services can cover a wide range of challenges in personnel development. Topics can be for example:

  • Personnel development strategy 
  • Leadership development
  • Training 
  • Coaching
  • Internal knowledge management 
  • Competence models and requirement profiles
  • Feedback processes 
  • Potential assessment 
  • Career models 
  • Trainee programs
  • PE processes

Can ARTS also take over the complete personnel development of my company?

We are happy to take over individual areas of personnel development, such as talent management, management development or succession planning, but can also offer you a complete solution as external personnel development. In doing so, we make sure that your company meets the legal requirements, take care of the needs analysis and registration of your employees for trainings, document the acquired qualifications and check the success - of course according to your budget. 

How much personnel development do we actually need?

We answer this question together with you on the basis of an independent needs analysis in connection with your strategic goals. Basically, every company should at least ensure that legally required trainings are carried out on time and that the certificates are deposited.

How can someone from the outside judge that?

In addition to statutory minimum standards, the age and employee structure of your company already provide clear indications of construction sites for personnel development. In industries with an increased shortage of skilled workers, the need for personnel development is also obvious. The professional backgrounds of your specialists and executives also provide us with information on personnel selection and training needs. In addition, we naturally rely on your transparent, trusting cooperation - many years of experience in various companies characterize our pragmatic, competence-oriented approach. 

Personnel development or another service from ARTS? What do I really need?

Perhaps your HR department is well positioned overall and you only lack the know-how in strategic HR development, in which case we will be happy to support you with our concepts. If you need overall support for your HR processes, HR as a Service may also be of interest to you.

Is the topic of personnel development also relevant for SMEs?

The personnel development of SME's is especially close to our hearts. We are happy to support you in laying the foundations for further training, developing strategic concepts for the future viability of your company, assisting your personnel department as an advisor or even conducting training or coaching for you. Due to our own experience in SME's we are able to empathize very well with the individual challenges of smaller personnel departments.


How may we support you in personnel development?

To ensure that your company is well positioned for the future, we support you with our expertise, enthusiasm and many years of experience in the field of personnel development! Arrange a non-binding initial meeting with us at any time.


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