The job description for a personnel services clerk is very young. This is a state-approved training occupation according to the Vocational Training Act. Apprentices learn in the change of theory and practice phases in three years everything approximately around the personnel work.
You will learn about:
Every profession requires different personal strengths, including training as a personnel manager. These are the five most important qualities you bring to ARTS training.
Whether on the phone, by email or in an interview - HR professionals are in daily contact with people and have to deal with different characters. In order to always find the right candidate for the company and to support satisfied employees, open-mindedness is an essential soft skill. Trainees are allowed to take part in job interviews at an early stage and thus get to know the "other side" of the interview.
ARTS is an expert in engineering and manufacturing services, technology consulting and HR services. Our turnkey solutions, optimized processes and experienced specialists give high-tech companies worldwide a competitive edge that guarantees you sustainable success.
At 5 branches and over 25 project locations, more than 500 technical and commercial employees work daily to realize the visions of our customers.
ARTS provides companies in the automotive, aerospace, mechanical engineering & manufacturing, IT & communications and security & defence industries with the expertise they need to gain a competitive edge and make them faster, better and more efficient.
At ARTS I work in a young team and we always maintain a friendly relationship. The pleasant working atmosphere naturally also simplifies communication between colleagues. Good communication skills are particularly important for a productive working atmosphere. For the contact with colleagues, customers and applicants friendly and open-minded manners are indispensable.
ARTS is an international group of companies and operates worldwide. Our employees come from all over the world. As a result, English is ubiquitous and solid English skills are a must at ARTS. For this reason, ARTS offers every trainee the opportunity to improve their English skills not only at vocational school, but also in everyday working life. Further language skills such as French, Spanish, Polish etc. are welcome.
As an apprentice at ARTS, you will get to know the entire company and expand your specialist knowledge in a wide variety of areas. At ARTS, initiative and independent further development and research on specific topics are highly valued. Other qualities that you should bring with you as a future personnel manager are a good grasp and the desire to quench your thirst for knowledge.
Our trainees do not only receive all-embracing training in the field of personnel management. You will also get to know other departments such as marketing, sales and accounting. Terms like Blue and White Collar will already be familiar to you in time and also why we "push" jobs will not remain a secret. Because colleagues, your training supervisor as well as the teachers in the vocational school stand for you with advice to the side and support you with a fast acclimatization.
Apprentices at ARTS get the opportunity to take responsibility for their own project and find their successor directly after the first year of training. This means posting a job, reviewing application documents, being present at job interviews and deciding who will take over your baton.
You can find the detailed job description in our job portal. If you have any questions about the training position for personnel services clerk, I will be happy to answer them on 0351 795 808 73 or by email.