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Recruiting as a service to fill 150 positions at Lilium


The vision of the air cab for everyone is to become reality at Lilium near Munich by 2025. ARTS supports Lilium by means of Recruiting as a Service to get a decisive step closer to this vision every day, because one success factor for high-tech startups is the recruitment of well-qualified specialists.

Project details at a glance

  • Sector: Aerospace
  • Customer: Lilium GmbH
  • Location: Wessling
  • Service: Recruiting as a Service

Lilium – A startup with a unique mission

In 2015, four young men started a business with the aim of developing the world’s first electric vertical take-off and landing jet, which could easily take off from urban areas and cover a distance of 70 kilometres in fifteen minutes. Alongside the time-saving factor, the environmental benefits and social aspects are also key considerations for Lilium. The jet offers 100% emission-free flight, removing traffic congestion from cities and removing the need to build new roads or bridges. The air taxi of the future makes it possible to live in the countryside yet work in the city while avoiding long traffic jams on the motorway or the city centres.

The first, half-scale prototype flew as far back as 2015, while the successful maiden flight of the full-scale prototype took place in 2017. The jets should become a large-scale reality in 2025 when they are made available as a bookable mode of transportation. A major order from Suadi Arabia is already in the strat holes. The national airline of the desert state - Saudia - wants to order 100 electric aircraft.

This is a mission that needs highly-qualified partners to follow the founders’ vision, living and sharing in their dreams to support their success as effectively as possible.

In the search for skills profiles such as industrial mechanics, aircraft mechanics, and avionics technicians, ARTS enables Lilium to draw on a comprehensive candidate database with a wide range of highly-qualified specialists.

The mammoth task of sourcing personnel - ARTS supports Lilium’s staffing needs

For fast-growing startups, building up appropriate human resources is of high importance. At any time, the customer's core business is in the foreground. The search for qualified specialists for the lasting positive development of the company should not develop into the main topic of the company, which pushes all other projects and tasks into the background. Nevertheless, in the end the selection of the right employees is crucial for success. Recruiting becomes a mammoth project, especially in high-tech startups during the transition from one-off to mass production. In a relatively short time, the need for highly qualified personnel increases immensely and the workload in the HR department increases rapidly. The current shortage of skilled workers in Germany is increasing the demands on staffing in terms of applicant acquisition and applicant management.

One way to meet these challenges is the partial outsourcing of recruitment processes. Lilium decided on a Recruiting as a Service solution in cooperation with ARTS. This allows the innovative startup to focus on its core business while still adapting its HR to the ever-increasing demand for personnel.

Our colleague supported Lilium in Recruiting as a Service on an hourly basis directly on site in Wessling near Munich with his expertise in the areas of recruitment and personnel management. Both the research and quality control of relevant personnel marketing channels as well as the applicant support from the first contact to the final interview fell into his area of responsibility.  This included reviewing and evaluating the incoming applications, communicating with the respective division manager, the initial interview with the applicant and accompanying the applicant through the multi-stage interview process at Lilium. In this way, he was able to use his experience and expertise in recruitment at Lilium to uncover potential for improvement and optimize existing basic structures.

Benefits of Recruiting as a Service for Lilium

Recruiting as a Service is a modern and simple form of HR outsourcing. As a partner with many years of experience in recruiting specialists, we provide our services within the framework of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) - we take over individual tasks or the entire recruiting process. In doing so, we can focus entirely on the needs of the respective customer.

Within the scope of Recruiting as a Service for Lilium, the ARTS Recruiter was directly on-site at Lilium. This enables the recruiter to get to know the specific requirements of potential candidates in order to find exactly those employees who fit the company's vision, support its goals and have the required qualifications. Furthermore, the on-site assignment ensured increased effectiveness and efficiency through shortened communication channels to applicants and, above all, to the decision-makers in the company.

In its search for industrial mechanics, aircraft mechanics and aircraft electronics technicians, among others, Lilium was also able to use ARTS to access a comprehensive database of applicants with a large number of qualified specialists. The startup thus benefits directly from the expertise it has built up over many years in staffing for a wide range of high-tech industries - in this particular case, the aerospace industry, including customers such as Airbus, Diehl, Lufthansa Technik and Premium AEROTEC.

Rapid access to a specific pool of applicants plays a major role, especially in the event of increased production volumes, when qualified personnel are needed at short notice. By providing operational support in recruiting, Lilium was not only able to ensure the smooth running of the recruitment process at all times, but also to act faster and meet project deadlines thanks to the shortened recruiting process.
The first flight of the first manned Lilium jet is eagerly awaited and ARTS continues to support the visionaries on their exciting journey.

Lilium a tech start-up in aviation
© Lilium GmbH
A Lilium jet landing on the roof
As early as 2025 the Lilium Jets will be flying between the rooftops.© Lilium GmbH

facts and figures

100% Focus on core business
150 positions to be filled
2017 Pioneer flight in original size

Further information

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