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Your Recruitment Agency for your successful job placement

Are you looking for qualified specialists and executives for your company with the help a recruitment agency? Trust in our first-class and individual HR services. We know that strategic recruitment is one of the most challenging tasks to maintain and improve the competitiveness of your company. With our extensive network of more than 8,000 qualified experts, we can support you quickly and effectively in your search for suitable specialists and managers.

In addition to recruitment agency services on a commission basis, we also offer to take over your recruitment process at a fixed price with our Recruiting as a Service or Active Sourcing on an hourly basis. We would be happy to evaluate together the recruiting service that best suits your needs.


Benefit from our large network of specialists and managers

Satisfied Customers

Professional social recruiting

Direct approach
in social media

As experts in active sourcing, we use the leading business platforms XING and LinkedIn. We have all the necessary licenses and expertise to target top candidates for you.

Social Recruiting

Job posting and applicant management

We take care of the publication of your vacancy, select incoming application documents, take over all administrative steps and conduct pre-interviews to check the basic fit with your company.

Job posting and applicant management

Matching with
ARTS Talentpool

Using AI-powered technology, Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning and over 20 years of recruiting experience, we find the right candidates for you. 

Matching with ARTS Talentpool

Full Service HR Agency

Recruitment without commission costs

With our Recruiting as a Service, we offer fixed recruiting packages on an hourly or job basis and reduce or even eliminate the need for agency commissions. We will be happy to create your individual package.

Recruiting as a Service


You don't want to approach candidates on social networks or CV databases yourself?

Effective candidate approach with social recruitment

Thanks to our 20 years of experience in recruiting, we know exactly which strategies and measures are necessary to identify and approach the right people via active sourcing and to convince them of your company.

When searching for qualified candidates for your company, we create target group-specific search profiles, use search algorithms and Boolean operators in social networks such as LinkedIn and Xing, as well as in search engines and CV databases.

The individual and discreet approach of candidates is particularly important to us. We develop personalized strategies to arouse the interest of potential candidates and ensure successful contact. In doing so, we take into account the needs and preferences of the candidates in order to inspire them from the very beginning. We take care of exchanging information, clarifying questions and arranging appointments for further steps in the application process. In this way, we relieve you of administrative tasks and enable you to use your resources efficiently.

In addition, we ensure that all relevant application documents are made available to you in a timely manner. This gives you a comprehensive overview of the proposed candidates and allows you to make informed decisions.

If required, we can also take over social recruitment for you outside of a recruitment agency on an hourly or job basis without a success fee.


Professional social recruiting


You don't want to worry about the application process for your open vacancy?

Job posting and candidate selection by ARTS

As part of our recruitment services, we take care of the publication of your vacant positions as well as the organization and pre-selection of suitable candidates. In this way, we relieve you of the time-consuming task of publishing vacancies, screening applications and managing incoming applications. You can concentrate on your core business while we manage the recruitment process professionally.

You only pay 30% commission on the annual gross salary including special payments if we successfully place a suitable candidate for your position. This gives you financial flexibility and minimizes your risk.

At ARTS, we work to streamline the recruitment process for you and provide you with a professional and effective recruitment service. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you attract the best talent to your organization.



You want to find the right candidates without investing in expensive HR software?

AI-based search and matching solutions and extensive talent pools

The ARTS talent pool includes over 8,000 qualified professionals. Our AI-based matching efficiently and accurately compares candidate profiles, enabling us to quickly identify candidates with the right skills, experience and qualifications for your vacant positions in all relevant professional fields.

In a globalized world of work, the candidate market is diverse and international. As part of our recruitment services, our algorithm uses different languages. This enables a broader candidate selection and facilitates the communication and integration of international talent.



Do you want to fill your vacancies without paying a 30% commission?

Full Service HR Agency

Customized recruiting solutions with ARTS

As a 360-degree full service HR agency, we offer you exactly the recruiting solutions you need. As part of our Recruiting as a Service, you can also benefit from our expertise and extensive network.

Recruiting as a Service is a cost-effective solution compared to traditional recruitment. The recruiting process starts at an attractive price of €3,900, and this amount is offset against the performance-based commission of 20% in the event of success. This transparent pricing gives you clear cost control and planning security. During the defined period of 3 months, we work intensively to find the perfect person for your vacancies.

Discover the numerous advantages of Recruiting as a Service and let us work together to find the right talent for your company.

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Advantages of our customized recruitment agency services

maximal reach

Wide reach

With our ARTS recruitment agency service, you benefit from a wide reach on well-known social media platforms.
You gain access to a large network of professionals and executives as well as insider knowledge in the field of applicant management.

Active Sourcing

Customized search

Through AI-supported matching processes, we find the needle in the haystack for you. Within the scope of our recruitment services, we also reach applicants who might have remained hidden from you by conventional means.

saving costs

Cost efficiency

Our approach to recruitment is designed to offer you maximum flexibility. That's why we work on the principle of "No Success, No Fee" - you only pay if we are successful. If we do not find a suitable candidate for you, you will not incur any costs.

Time Saving

Time saving

With ARTS as our recruitment agency, you benefit from immense time savings throughout the entire recruiting process. Among other things, we take care of screening applications and conducting interviews. This allows you to use your resources more efficiently.

CASE STUDY: ARTS supports IMA as a recruitment agency

In our ARTS Talent Pool you can already find approx. 8,000 outstanding personalities from various fields such as Engineering, IT, Finance & Controlling, Sales, Recruiting and many more. We have an extensive network of qualified candidates, which we continuously expand and update. We ensure that our clients' recruitment process runs smoothly and in a time-saving manner, allowing them to focus on the growth and development of their business. A concrete example of our professional recruitment services is our cooperation with IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik.


IMA was looking for IT software developers :inside, software engineers and operational buyers. Due to a tight timeframe, we had to act quickly. In addition, there were clear guidelines regarding salary structures that had to be adhered to.


In order to find the best qualified candidates, we did not advertise all positions publicly. When recruiting for IMA, some vacancies required certain security checks that could only be met by European candidates. In such cases, we rely on active sourcing to target and identify candidates who fully meet the customer criteria.


After a short time, all three positions were successfully filled with candidates proposed by us. Through clear and transparent communication on all sides and adherence to the customer's specifications, we achieved satisfaction on the customer's side, but also on the side of the applicants, and also convinced with speed.

Frequently asked questions about our Recruitment Agency

What does a recruitment agency do?

Recruitment agency refers to the process by which personnel service providers find new, suitable employees for companies on request. As a rule, the recruitment placement ends as soon as the position has been successfully filled. However, sometimes the placement can be completed after suitable candidate profiles have been submitted to the company. Recruitment agencies are one of the most frequently used recruiting measures because, as an external service, they simplify the application process for companies.

What are the fees for recruitment agency services?

In case of a successful recruitment we charge a commission of 30% on the annual gross salary including special payments. Our service includes the organization and placement of suitable candidates for your open position. We take care of receiving applications, so you don't have to worry about managing them. You only pay when a candidate is successfully hired. This saves you both time and resources, as we take care of the entire selection process.

How do candidates react to direct approaches when you search for clients undercover?

So far, we have only rarely received negative feedback from candidates, because we also see ourselves as career consultants. We want to offer the right solution not only to the client, but also to candidates who are looking for and willing to change jobs. Our experience is confirmed by the Barometer Personalvermittlung 2021 of the BAP. According to this barometer, 60% of applicants would consider the services of a recruitment agency when changing employer.

What happens after the recruitment agency service if the candidate quits after the probationary period or if the performance is not convincing after all?

Our mission is fulfilled with the signed employment contract of the desired candidate. We are happy to assist with onboarding to ensure a long-term working relationship.

Recruitment agency or another service from ARTS? What do I really need?

Do you need to cover short-term staffing needs or do you have countless positions to fill for a longer period of time? Do you need HR expertise for an uncertain period? We will be happy to clarify these and other questions with you in a personal meeting. We will then outline the most suitable solution for you.


How may we support you as a recruiting agency?

Would you like to talk through the entire recruiting process again in person and learn more about our reach and time-to-hire? Contact us for an initial discussion and a non-binding offer.

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