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New technologies have always influenced the labor market and thus also society. Already in the past, jobs were partially or completely replaced by other activities. With the rise of the automotive industry from the 19th century onward, the number of workers at vehicle manufacturers increased, while the number of blacksmiths and coachmen decreased. So what will the changes brought about by advancing digitization look like? A look into the crystal ball shows that some occupational fields will be less in demand, while others will continue to grow in importance.
Digitization does not necessarily make people unemployed. The World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report," published in 2020, predicts that by 2025, machines will already be performing as many work steps as employees. However, these are largely routine tasks. Here, machines or programs can often work faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively. Likewise, work that is considered dangerous or simply not demanding for humans can now be performed with the help of machines.
Similarly, digital developments are also creating millions of new jobs. The fact is that we don't (can't) even know about some of the jobs of the future today. So what is important if you want to pursue one of the trendy jobs? Deloitte cites specialization and the ability to adapt to changing conditions as key success factors.
Just as quickly as technologies change, so do the requirements profiles for employees. A first step here is a general openness to new technologies and further training. In the future, broadly diversified qualification profiles will be increasingly important and ultimately the key factor for professional success. We have analyzed five top jobs of the future.
BIM Manager
Building Information Modeling is becoming increasingly important in the construction industry and at Deutsche Bahn, but the experts needed are rare. A BIM Manager creates a digital 3D model that can be accessed by all parties involved in the process. Employees and monetary resources can thus be better planned and deployed. The BIM Manager optimizes the relevant processes and controls the flow of information. As an interface between all project participants, his or her expertise includes linking the construction site reality with the CAD model using 3D scanners, drones, 3D printers and modern software. To date, there are only a few providers of advanced training in this area on the market.
Trash Data Engineer
The Trash Data Engineer is expected to become an emerging job description with medium technology centricity in the next five years. Any data that hasn't been used in your organization in the last 12 months and doesn't demonstrate the presumed utility can still provide you with valuable insights. Even data garbage is meaningful if it is cleaned. In a world where we increasingly have to deal with ever-increasing volumes of data, Trash Data Engineers are therefore needed to ensure the quality of these volumes. The job description is predominantly concerned with identifying unused data in the company, cleaning it and feeding it into machine learning algorithms. The goal of the Trash Data Engineer is to transform data trash into treasure. In doing so, the possibilities are endless.
Cyber Attack Agents
Correlating with the topic around cybersecurity, the job descriptions of the data steward and the IT security expert are coming to the fore. Together with corresponding systems, data stewards ensure the protection of customer data and monitor the adherence to the company's compliance guidelines. The IT security expert, on the other hand, is responsible for protecting against cyber attacks. He or she is constantly on the lookout for new solutions and ways to improve existing security systems. Companies and the job market already lack security experts. As a result, salaries are rising for the few specialists who also have their pick of jobs.
Head of Business Behavior
Understanding employee behavior is a challenging and complex task. In the future, the Head of Business Behavior will be responsible for gathering and analyzing behavioral data using biometric technologies in the workplace. As Head of Business Behavior, the job profile therefore includes analyzing employee behavioral data and deriving appropriate development strategies to improve employee engagement, productivity and well-being.
Algorithm Bias Auditor
Algorithm Bias describes systematic and repeatable errors in a digital system that lead to unfair results. Therefore, Algorithm Bias Auditors will be an important part of the compliance team in the company in the future. Among other things, their tasks will include checking for any algorithmic bias (ABA). Big Data and artificial intelligence will be ubiquitous in the modern workplace and will be unimaginable without them. In the next five years, the job description of the Algorithm Bias Auditor will increase in importance as they will need to ensure that the algorithms at the heart of AI are fair, legal, representative of the organization's values, and 100% ethical.
Socially oriented professions, such as those in nursing or education, on the other hand, remain irreplaceable. Nevertheless, they are also subject to change. In education in particular, the magic word is digital revolution. Homeschooling in Corona times was already a first foretaste. The mix of on- and offline teaching content will be maintained in the future in order to take the next generation along on the digitalization journey. Soft skills such as social competence and empathy are already crucial qualities that employees need to have, especially in the working world of tomorrow.
Sources: Business Insider | Absolventa | WIWO | Channelpartner | Karrieretutor | Karrierebibel | FAZ