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Resilience in the company: Why it's crucial for both employers and employees

02/09/2024 2024/09

Resilience in the company: Why it's crucial for both employers and employees

In today's world of work, companies and employees alike are required to deal with constant change and growing challenges. Whether it's economic uncertainty, technological innovation or personal stress factors, the ability to be resilient is key to success in many ways. This blog post looks at why resilience is essential from the perspective of both organisations and employees and how both sides can benefit from it.

Resilience from a company perspective

1. crisis management and sustainable growth

For companies, resilience means much more than just surviving in times of crisis. Resilient companies are better able to cope with crises, adapt to market changes and even emerge stronger. This is particularly evident in times of economic turbulence, when well-prepared companies gain market share and capitalise on opportunities, while less resilient competitors fall behind.

2. strengthening the corporate culture

A resilient company is characterised by a strong corporate culture based on trust, openness and transparency. This culture promotes collaboration and exchange between departments and hierarchical levels, which increases joint problem-solving and innovation. Employees in such an environment feel supported and motivated, which not only increases their satisfaction but also their productivity.

3. long-term employee retention

Resilient organisations often have a lower turnover rate as they provide a working environment that supports stress management and promotes stress resilience. If employees feel that their employer supports them in difficult times and gives them room for personal and professional development, this significantly increases their loyalty to the company.

Resilience from an employee perspective

1. improvement of stress resistance

For employees, resilience means the ability to cope effectively with stress and pressure situations. This can be achieved through targeted stress management in the workplace, such as time management, organising breaks or building social support systems. Employees who have a high level of stress resistance are not only happier, but also more productive and creative.

2. promotion of personal development

Resilience helps employees to learn from mistakes, overcome setbacks and continuously develop. They are more willing to take risks, try out new things and find innovative solutions - skills that are increasingly in demand in a rapidly changing world of work. Personal resilience therefore contributes to career development and long-term satisfaction.

3. maintaining the work-life balance

Another important aspect of resilience is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Employees who feel resilient are better able to prioritise and set boundaries, leading to a healthier work-life balance. Companies that support their employees in this regard benefit from less sickness absence and higher morale.

How companies can promote resilience

To build resilience across the organisation, leaders should implement strategies to manage stress and promote resilience. These include:

  • Education and training: offer regular workshops and training sessions to teach employees how to deal with stress and techniques to improve resilience. In concrete terms, for example, employees can scrutinise their own expectations by deliberately coming up with completely unexpected scenarios. Perception grids can be compared and supplemented in a joint exchange.
  • Open communication: Promote a culture of open communication in which employees feel safe to express their concerns and seek support. Regular feedback sessions and additional anonymous channels can help build trust and facilitate dialogue between employees and managers.
  • Flexibility and autonomy: Give your employees more autonomy and flexibility to complete their tasks. Flexible working hours and the option to work from home can significantly improve stress management in the workplace.
  • Mentoring and coaching: Implement mentoring programmes that promote the exchange of knowledge and experience and help young employees build stress resilience.

Advantages of resilience training at ARTS

Targeted resilience training at ARTS Experts offers companies and employees the opportunity to systematically strengthen their resilience - both in person and remotely. The training includes practical approaches in the areas of time management, relaxation and nutrition in various modules. Participants learn effective techniques to better structure their working time, which makes it easier to cope with stress in the workplace. The training also teaches physical exercises and relaxation techniques that help to reduce stress and promote mental health. Participants also learn how a balanced diet can contribute to more energy and well-being. The flexibility to deliver the training either onsite or virtually and to choose different modules allows companies to offer customised solutions that meet the needs of their employees - an important step in promoting a resilient and high-performing workforce.


Resilience is not a luxury, but a necessity - for both organisations and employees. While resilient structures enable organisations to better manage crises and grow in the long term, employees benefit from a healthier and more fulfilling working life. Promoting resilience and implementing appropriate measures to manage stress in the workplace therefore offers a win-win situation for both sides.

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