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Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) - Flexibly bookable on an hourly basis

Are you looking for recruitment support? 

Our recruiters provide you with 10, 20 or 30 hours of additional support per week to successfully meet your current recruitment challenges.
With Recruiting as a Service on an hourly basis, you receive support for all recruitment activities, starting with the search for personnel, approaching potentially suitable candidates, organising and conducting interviews and recommending candidates to your works council.

Aileen Kreibich General Manager of ARTS Experts GmbH +49 172 24 81 43 8 Add as LinkedIn contact Add as XING contact

Success through recruiting as a service

Satisfied Customers

Your recruiter is available from

€ 110
per hour
plus VAT
Send request

How does Recruiting as a Service work on an hourly basis?

Our recruiters offer you support in all areas of recruitment.

Among other things, we advise you on:

  • How to best communicate with your future employees
  • Job and search engine optimisation
  • Job Advertising (what are the right job boards and applicant portals)
  • Job Advertising in Social Media

We support you with:

  • Active search in relevant CV databases 
  • Sreening and selection of incoming applications
  • Active search for candidates through direct recruitment in social media and other professional networks
  • Interviews with suitable candidates
  • Provision of the prepared applicant profiles
  • Job interview organisation
  • Support during your applicant interviews to ensure their perfect fit with your company
  • Recruitment recommendation by our experts


Since August 2020, ARTS has been actively supporting us in the recruitment of skilled workers in various fields of activity for the further development of our company. In doing so, ARTS is particularly convincing as a reliable and service-oriented partner. We would like to thank ARTS for the close and trusting cooperation so far and look forward to further joint successes.

Tobias Lück
Head of Recruitment & Employer Attractiveness at Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

I would like to thank you for the friendly and, as always, uncomplicated cooperation.

Jenny Lehmann
Specialist Human Resources at Unitedprint.com SE 


Do you want to ask instead of reading?

We have project expertise with small, medium-sized and large companies and can take on recruiting responsibilities starting at 10 hours per week. We would be happy to discuss your challenges in a non-binding initial meeting to find a solution that suits you.

30h support per week is not enough for you? No problem, we are used to managing large recruiting tasks for clients.

* Mandatory field

Aileen Kreibich General Manager of ARTS Experts GmbH +49 172 24 81 43 8 Add as LinkedIn contact Add as XING contact

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