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ARTS inspires aerospace and aviation through recruitment and active sourcing


ARTS HR Lovers has its origins as a personnel service provider for the aerospace industry. More than 25 years ago, employee leasing was our daily bread for Airbus. Today, ARTS HR Lovers has evolved into a HR agency that provides its HR expertise to countless clients, regardless of industry.

However, aerospace companies are still among our customers and we are proud to work with them on all topics of strategic recruitment, but also on personnel development, employee support and employer brand issues. 

Project details at a glance

  • Sector: Aerospace
  • Jobtitle: Recruitment Consultant
  • Location: Mönchengladbach
  • Service: Personnel Placement / Temporary Employment

Flexibility and Experience - Our Success Factors in Personnel Placement

Germany plays a central role in the international aerospace industry. After France, this country employs the most people in the industry. Hardly any other industry has comparable standards of quality and safety. It is not always easy to find highly qualified employees who meet these standards.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we know the demands of the target applicant group, target group-specific job publication channels and professional networks, as well as our clients' requirements for qualifications and skill sets. Our recruitment service relieves the burden on your HR department, as we take over the direct approach to candidates, make an appropriate pre-selection and provide you with a hiring recommendation.

It became clear that especially for such niche positions, as in this case, active sourcing is essential.

Our task

Our client, who offers aviation and engineering services in the areas of flight target display, modification of special aircraft and products as well as embedded systems, approached us with a special assignment. For the location Mönchengladbach they were looking for an expert from the aerospace industry with special knowledge in avionics and electrical engineering, several years of experience in aeronautical development companies and furthermore know-how in electrical design as well as very good German language skills. In addition, at least 3 years of professional experience in aircraft maintenance should be available. 

These requirements describe a true specialist in his field. The particular challenge of the position was for me to find a suitable candidate who matched this niche description and to present them to the customer. 

The path from active sourcing to hiring

After I had thoroughly examined all the requirements of the job posting, I first asked myself where I could find suitable candidates for our customer. Which portals are used by such specialists? In which worlds are they on the move when they are looking for a job, or where can I find such experts in general?

The first step in the process was therefore to advertise the position in relevant job portals in the aerospace sector, among others, in a way that was tailored to the target group. In addition, we advertised the position on our social media channels. Thanks to my many years as a recruitment consultant at ARTSHR Lovers in the area of active sourcing, I was able to build up a broad network, especially in the social media platforms XING and LinkedIn, which should help me in my current search. A decisive factor here was the group work in the corresponding channels. In these groups, members are among like-minded people and can exchange views on current topics, hold discussions or use them for job searches. I use these aviation-related groups to talk to potential applicants. I then networked with potential candidates and recommended the job to them if interest was indicated, or sent them the job directly.

It became clear that active sourcing is essential, especially for such niche positions as this one. In total, I contacted 18 candidates in addition to spreading the word about the position on various relevant job portals. It turned out that different search queries are decisive for a match. In total, I was able to introduce 4 candidates to the client during the three-month process. After the initial contact and the clarification of the availability and other factors relevant to the hiring process, I conducted a preliminary telephone interview with the relevant candidates, during which I could ask a number of questions submitted by the customer to check their professional suitability.

In the end, we were able to successfully place a candidate with the client, whom I was able to recruit through a targeted direct approach on LinkedIn. Beforehand, he completed a training course to get to know the company's internal processes. For a very specific job requirement, we were capable of delivering a very good candidate more quickly than average. 

facts and figures

20 years expertise in HR Services
  Extending your Success
3 months until final signature
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