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Your Employer Branding Agency


Creation and implementation of your employer branding measures

Employer Branding Strategy

ARTS supports you in the development of your individual employer branding strategy - from the analysis via employee surveys up to the implementation.

Employer Branding Strategy

Employer Value Proposition

We accompany you on the way to finding your identity as an employer and defining the uniqueness of your employer brand as Employer Value Proposition (EVP).

Employer Value Proposition

maximal reach

Employer branding measures

ARTS implements internal and external employer branding measures for you. We create effective messages for your personas in a creative package.

Employer branding measures

Programmatic Job Marketing

HR Marketing

On the basis of your individual employer branding strategy, we take over the implementation of e.g. social media marketing, but also university marketing and multiposting services.

HR Marketing

Active Sourcing

Social Recruiting

In accordance to your Employer Value Proposition, we approach suitable candidates to fill your vacancies in a timely manner and also to inspire passively searching talents for you.

Social Recruiting

Marketing for students and graduates

HR Development

Good and sustainable HR Development should be part of every Employer Brand. We would be happy to work with you to create appropriate concepts to strengthen your employee satisfaction.

HR Development

Do you have any questions? We can help you!

Get a non-binding consultation now. Simply fill out our contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

CASE STUDY: An employer brand for Seybold GmbH that creates brand awareness.

Seybold GmbH operates in the field of facility management. It is the market leader in the segment of management for store real estate. The customers in this segment are chain stores such as C&A, Depot, Bonita, etc. Seybold GmbH was awarded as a top innovator company in 2021 and 2022.


ARTS was commissioned as an employer branding agency to elaborate the employer brand of Seybold GmbH and to implement it in suitable communication concepts for the career website and job advertisements. Due to the low awareness of the market segment and the employer brand, the task was to create an attention-grabbing communicative implementation of the new employer brand. The target groups of Seybold GmbH are primarily young career starters as well as talents with an experience horizon of about 3-5 years.


We conducted face-to-face interviews and an online survey with the relevant stakeholders of the company in order to determine the current employer brand on the one hand, but also to find out the desired target state. We were particularly interested in the values lived by the company (corporate culture), the benefits and other general conditions. In the strategy phase, we developed the employer value proposition and corporate culture values for Seybold GmbH. And in the final phase, the employer branding measures were developed.


The key point is Seybold's Purpose and Employer Value Proposition. The company's Purpose lies in the "daily fight for the interests of chain stores, so that the shopping streets remain alive and are not rationalized away by online retail". We translated this unique purpose of the company into a creative concept: "The Jedi Knight who fights for the higher purpose and for good". Our texts move in the linguistic style of Chief Jedi Yoda (Star Wars). Among other things, we developed the career website and created a new job advertisement concept. The appearance at a recruiting event was a complete success: Seybold caught the eye of the students and became the topic of conversation at the event with the Jedi appearance.

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Free employer attractiveness self-test

Discover how you can improve your employer brand to attract and retain the best talent. Our simple but powerful test guides you through relevant aspects such as company culture, benefits, work environment and more. Get valuable insights and personalized recommendations to strengthen your position as a top employer.

Test for free

You don't have the right employer branding strategy to inspire or retain talent?

We analyze your current employer branding strategy

As an employer branding agency, we can support you from the analysis of your target groups and your corporate brand to the analysis of your competitors and individual HR key figures to the survey of your employees. We analyze current employer branding concepts or develop unique employer brands from scratch using individual employer branding strategies.

We develop your future employer branding strategy

  • Analysis of corporate brand
  • Check of existing brand information (vision, mission) as well as brand documents (values, benefits, survey results, etc.)
  • Competitive analysis
  • Conducting employee interviews (online, remote or on-site)
  • Definition of Candidate Personas
  • Definition of Employer Value Proposition (EVP)
  • Creation of brand book
  • Creation of communication concepts (internal and external)

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Why should you condense your employer brand into an employer value proposition?

Employer value proposition as the heart of the employer brand

Gen Z in particular is looking for meaning in their own work. Can you offer your employees the right purpose? A clearly defined employer value proposition creates orientation for the workforce, but also for job applicants and is an anchor for an emotional bond with the employer. ARTS as an employer branding agency helps you to define the core of your employer brand in such a way that it remains relevant in the long term.

Advantages of an Employer Value Proposition

  • Increase in incoming applications, especially unsolicited applications
  • Better cultural fit of incoming applications
  • Stronger employee loyalty
  • Reduced fluctuation (costs)

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Don't you have the resources to implement employer branding measures?

maximal reach

ARTS is happy to assist you as an employer branding agency in the development and implementation of internal as well as external employer branding measures. This includes among others:

Internal employer branding measures

  • Internal communication concepts (employee newsletter, employee handbook, intranet, social media, etc.)
  • Employee retention concepts (events, competitions, team building, awards, surveys, etc.)
  • Personnel development strategies
  • Management development
  • Coachings
  • Consulting on working time arrangements, work-life balance initiatives and feedback culture

External employer branding measures

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Employer Branding with ARTS - your benefits

Customized strategies

ARTS develops individual employer branding concepts that make your brand unique and attract top talent.

Experience and expertise

Benefit from our know-how and innovative approaches to increase your attractiveness as an employer.

Measurable success

Through continuous analysis, we optimize your strategy and guarantee sustainable success.


Frequently asked questions about our work as an employer branding agency

Why employer branding is important?

An attractive employer brand is crucial to attract the right applicants and to stand out from other employers. It also helps the existing workforce identify with the company's values and goals, which increases employee retention and reduces turnover. It can also increase employee productivity. When employees are proud of their company and enjoy their job, they tend to be more productive and engaged.
As a result, strong employer branding can significantly promote the achievement of corporate goals.

As an employer branding agency, we support you in the development and implementation of an attractive and custom-fit employer branding strategy.

What is the difference between the employer brand and the corporate brand?

The difference lies in the target group. The employer brand is aimed at existing and potential employees. The corporate brand addresses diverse target groups with very different needs: Suppliers, customers, associations, unions, public authorities, and many more.

What is the difference between employer brand and employer branding?

Employer brand is the actual employer brand itself. Employer branding refers to all strategic and operative communication measures in the direction of existing and potential employees.

As an employer branding agency, we ensure that your employer brand is a perfect match for your corporate brand and your internal and external target groups. We are also happy to take on the conception and implementation of internal and external employer branding measures.

How does employer branding work?

All strategies and measures that serve to develop, shape and promote an organisation's employer brand are summarised as employer branding. The goal is to create a positive image in order to attract talented applicants and retain employees in the long term.

The process of employer branding begins with the analysis of the existing employer brand as well as the analysis of the corporate brand as an overarching construct. All existing marketing information on the company's vision and mission as well as its values are examined. Competitors and their employer brands, as well as benefits offered by other organisations, are also analysed. In the next step, the wishes and expectations, but also concerns and problems of the employees are collected in the form of a survey, so that the target group definition of the employees can be implemented. In addition to the target group of employees, the target group of applicants is also defined in more detail.

Based on all this information, the employer value proposition, i.e. the core of the employer brand, is defined. It describes the value and advantages that the company offers as an employer and allows employees to derive the meaning of their own work.
Based on the employer value proposition, internal as well as external communication concepts are created that promote and cement it. These can consist of a wide variety of employer branding measures, ranging from the company's own career site to social media communication and employee referral programmes. Training programmes and further education opportunities are also components of these communication concepts.

Employee surveys should be conducted regularly to check the fit between the desired employer brand and actual perceptions so that adjustments can be made if necessary.

What is the difference between employer branding and recruiting?

Employer branding and recruiting are related but distinct concepts within personnel recruitment.

Employer branding describes the process of developing and maintaining a positive employer image. It encompasses the strategies, activities and measures a company takes to position itself as an attractive employer and attract potential applicants. The goal of employer branding is to present the company as an employer that offers an attractive working environment, good career opportunities, a positive corporate culture and other benefits. Employer branding is aimed at both potential applicants and existing employees and has a long-term focus on building a positive employer brand.

Recruiting is the process of finding, selecting and hiring qualified candidates for open positions in an organisation. It is the practical aspect of personnel recruitment in which companies seek to fill specific positions. Recruiting involves identifying suitable candidates, conducting interviews, assessing candidate qualifications and making hiring decisions. It focuses on short-term staffing needs for specific positions.

It is important to note that employer branding and recruiting are closely linked. A strong employer brand developed through employer branding can improve the effectiveness of the recruiting process, as potential applicants already have a positive image of the company and are more likely to be motivated to apply. At the same time, effective recruiting can help strengthen the image and attractiveness of the employer brand by hiring qualified candidates who contribute to the positive company culture.

I would like to have only employer branding measures. Is that possible?

Yes, ARTS adapts to the needs of its customers. If you already have a brand strategy and would like to implement it, for example, in communication measures to improve your recruiting success, please contact us! Or do you have an internal communication task? Then we are also the right contact persons for you!

Employer branding or another service from ARTS? What do I really need?

Employer branding is just one of our specialist areas of HR services. We are a 360° HR agency and offer a range of services from employer branding, HR marketing, job multiposting, recruiting, onboarding, employee management and staff release. Sometimes the need to fill the position is so great that we take over sub-processes in the area of production, supply chain etc. with our ARTS Industrial Services. At this point, the outsourcing solution may be more effective.

All our services are interlinked and pay off in terms of your HR goals. If you are looking for a long-term solution that will increase your brand awareness, bind employees to you permanently and at the same time increase the reach for career content with the right target group, then the strategic positioning of your employer brand is exactly the right approach.


How may we support you as an employer branding agency?

You would like to do something for your employer brand right now to prepare for the war of talents? But you still have questions about the process and content? You are welcome to contact us for a no-obligation initial consultation:

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Sally Kießling Employer Branding Consultant +49 173 623 62 06 Add as LinkedIn contact

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