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HR Marketing - ARTS's agency approach

Building blocks for successful HR marketing

Employer Branding

Employer Branding

Effective HR marketing relies on a robust employer brand, precise candidate persona definition, and a compelling employer value proposition. As a full-service HR agency, we offer assistance in developing and enhancing these critical elements.

Employer Branding Agency

Career websites

Career Website

Based on your employer branding strategy, we analyze your current career site, both in terms of content and technical aspects. Our assessment identifies untapped opportunities for improvement or we design and develop a new, customized career site for you.

Career Websites

Job Multiposting

Job advertisements

In addition to performing a keyword analysis specific to your target audience, we handle the optimization of your job description for search engines and tailor media planning accordingly. Additionally, we create and publish advertisements on your behalf.

Multiposting Service

Programmatic Job Marketing

Performance Recruitment

In addition to traditional social media recruitment, including social media advertising, we provide effective GoogleAds and BingAds, as well as Programmatic Job Advertising.

Performance Recruiting

Out of Home Advertising Jobs

Out-of-Home Media

Whether it's in the mall, on a large-scale billboard, or on passenger advertising, ARTS serves as your HR marketing agency for creating and placing all out-of-home media formats.


TV and Radio Ads

Radio & TV

Do you want to promote your job openings on TV and radio? Our team assesses the media channels that fit your target audience and produces custom radio and TV ads.

Radio and TV

ARTS - Your Google Ads search expert for more visibility

ARTS is your certified Google Ads Search Partner with years of experience in optimising search engine campaigns. We can help you drive more qualified traffic to your website and increase your conversion rates.

Benefit from our expertise:

  • Certified SEA experts
  • Data-driven campaign optimisation
  • Transparent communication
  • Dedicated support

Do you have any questions? We can help you!

Get a non-binding consultation now. Simply fill out our contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

CASE STUDY: HR marketing for the Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

As part of our cooperation with Autobahn GmbH, ARTS has taken over the entire recruiting process throughout Germany since August 2020, providing consulting services and carrying out various HR marketing measures as an HR marketing agency.


It is necessary to fill 650 vacancies and to define and implement a corresponding catalogue of measures.


We take on the following tasks at the Autobahn GmbH des Bundes:

  • SEO optimised formulation of job ads including target group specific wording and editing
  • Media consulting regarding suitable online and offline channels
  • Job posting in the channels selected in cooperation with the client
  • Recruiting process incl. active sourcing in various applicant databases and social media, initial contact with applicants up to recommendation for employment


We set up a dedicated landing page for candidates not only to gain additional reach, but also to set backlinks to Autobahn GmbH and place specific online advertisements. The job advertisements placed there are SEO-optimised and linked to the job-specific application form of Autobahn GmbH, so that the applicant data remains exclusively with Autobahn GmbH. In addition, Autobahn GmbH uses the ARTS job board with its linked job portals as a multi-posting channel.

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Consulting package for your job advertisement
from € 365

per job plus VAT

You will receive:

- Target group analysis of your potential applicants for one open vacancy
- Holistic keyword analysis for the optimal keywording of your job advertisement
- Creation of a media plan for 4 to 8 weeks according to a predefined budget (online job boards, social media, GoogleAds, print, radio, TV, OutoufHome,...)
- Job optimization according to current HR marketing trends incl. SEO aspects and proofreading

Additionally available upon request:

- Ad design for all publication channels according to media plan in line with your corporate design
- Controlling & Reporting

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Your career website does not attract the right applicants?

Appealing and effective career websites

Present yourself as an attractive employer with our help and convince suitable candidates to apply to your company:

  • Analysis of your existing career site including alignment with your employer branding strategy as well as technical analysis. You receive a catalogue of recommendations for optimizing your career site.
  • Design of your career site in alignment with your employer brand.
  • Conduct SEO analysis to target your candidate audiences.
  • Content creation (text, image, video).
  • Programming of career pages and career landing pages using Wordpress.

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Your jobs are not listed at the top of job boards?

SEO-optimised job advertisements - tailored to your target applicant group

Maximise the reach of your job ads without additional job postings. Keyword analyses enable you to increase the visibility of your adverts in classic job boards, but also in job search engines.

  • Keyword analysis tailored to your target audience to help optimize ads.
  • Benefits-focused job optimization.
  • Writing of search engine optimized job ads.

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SEO optimised job advertisements across


Would you like to expand the online reach of your job ads beyond traditional job boards?

Performance Recruiting across

Performance Recruiting - Social Media Recruiting and even more

Other recruitment agencies limit their performance recruiting to social media advertising only. We go the extra mile to maximize your recruiting success.

  • Analysis of your social media channels
  • Social media marketing and social media advertising concepts that match your employer brand
  • Manage your social media marketing on Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and more
  • Planning and implementation of targeted social advertising and GoogleAds campaigns in line with your budget
  • Design and implement targeted programmatic job advertising campaigns on YouTube, Twitch and other social media channels
  • Conducting direct outreach to suitable candidates through active sourcing

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You want to use the potential of outdoor advertising for your recruiting?

Targeting talent in public places with (digital) out-of-home advertising

Attract attention and leave a lasting impression with large-scale posters or digital outdoor signage. This makes them the perfect addition to your HR marketing mix and our bread and butter as an HR marketing agency. Take advantage of this potential and get your message out to the public. 

Possible touchpoints are

  • Airport
  • Train station & public transport (passenger advertising)
  • Universities and colleges
  • Cinemas, gyms and more
  • Restaurants
  • Medical offices and hospitals
  • Supermarkets, gas stations, etc.
  • Shopping centres
  • Cityscape

As you can see, there are many variations. Just talk to us about your recruitment project and budget. We will put together the right campaign for you and take care of the entire process – from booking to reporting. Of course, we can also help you create the print files.

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Jobs Advertising Out of Home


Want your open positions to be heard and seen?

Job Ads on TV and Radio

Reach your audience in their element with radio and TV advertising

Radio is no longer just FM - radio is audio and more present than ever. Via web radio or streaming services such as Spotify & Co. we place your job advertisement exactly where your target group is listening.

We can serve the following formats:

  • Classic Radio
  • Web Radio
  • DAB Radio
  • Spotify

TV advertising is the advertising medium with the widest reach. Thanks to modern formats such as Addressable TV and Connected TV, TV advertising is now available for smaller budgets and allows for a targeted regional and target group specific approach. Contact us and let's talk about how we can take your recruitment to the next level and reach your target audience through audiovisual channels.

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Your applicant target group is graduates and students?

HR Marketing students graduates

Targeting students and graduates

GenZ places new demands on employers. Our expertise in HR marketing enables you to attract and retain students and graduates.

Online measures:

  • Social Media
  • Active sourcing
  • Career landing pages
  • Job publication in job boards for young professionals
  • Email marketing

Offline measures:

  • Employer branding
  • Print media
  • Career fairs

MORE ABOUT OUR Higher Education Marketing


Do you want to find the ideal trainees? But don't know how?

Effectively address Gen Z and Generation Alpha with training marketing

Apprenticeship marketing forms the decisive basis for successful apprentice recruitment and the targeted personnel development of young talent. We support you from the definition of the primary and secondary target groups to media planning (both online and offline) and the placement of adverts. Our full-service approach also includes controlling the relevant key figures and optimising the ads placed.

More about Trainee Marketing

Employer Branding


Since August 2020, ARTS has been actively supporting us in the recruitment of skilled workers in various fields of activity for the further development of our company. In doing so, ARTS is particularly convincing as a reliable and service-oriented partner. We would like to thank ARTS for the close and trusting cooperation so far and look forward to further joint successes.

Tobias Lück
Head of Recruitment & Employer Attractiveness at Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

I would like to thank you for the friendly and, as always, uncomplicated cooperation.

Jenny Lehmann
Specialist Human Resources at Unitedprint.com SE 

Our solution for your HR marketing

Active Sourcing

Status quo analysis

Whether for a single vacancy or your complete candidate journey, as your HR marketing agency, we will assess all your candidate target groups, current publication channels, career site and landing pages, social media activities, and recruiting process.
We carefully examine all your candidate touchpoints to optimize the candidate experience.

Implementation of employer branding and personnel marketing measures


Depending on your needs, we develop strategies to effectively target your desired applicants. Our services range from developing employer branding concepts to creating job ads that are optimized for search engines, developing media plans tailored to your target audience, crafting social media strategies, designing your career site, and defining efficient recruiting and onboarding processes.

maximal reach


We can help implement any HR marketing measures. Trust us to publish your job ads on online job boards, social media, Google, print, out-of-home, radio, and TV. We'll also optimize your career and campaign landing pages. We can assist with active sourcing and applicant management processes as well.


Frequently asked questions about HR marketing

Why HR marketing?

HR marketing is a separate discipline in HR management that uniquely combines the areas of human resources and marketing. Both applicants and employees are target groups of HR marketing, and it is important to generate enthusiasm for the company with an attractive employer brand and to retain them in the long term. 

HR marketing measures such as career pages, online advertisements in search engines or social media (e.g. Xing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), but also online and offline job advertisements placed on various job boards and media, make the company known as an attractive employer and convince applicants.

Employee satisfaction can be decisively improved with appropriate HR marketing measures, and the fluctuation of a company can be reduced in the end. These measures include employee retention concepts, internal communication measures and strategies to improve the culture of leadership and feedback within the company.

What does HR marketing include?

HR marketing is divided into two areas. External HR marketing aims to build a positive employer brand in the external perception and to inspire suitable applicants for the company. This includes an attractive career site, performance recruitment measures such as online advertisements in search engines, but also social media channels (e.g. Xing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). In addition, the optimisation of job advertisements and their placement in online and offline publication channels (e.g. online job boards such as StepStone, job search engines such as Indeed, other channels such as eBay or print media such as daily newspapers) are important tools in the external HR marketing mix.

Internal HR marketing measures aim at retaining employees in the company in the long term. They include e.g. employer branding measures such as employee retention concepts, internal communication measures as well as strategies to improve the culture of leadership and feedback within the company.

Successful HR marketing requires a high degree of sensitivity towards the needs and expectations of employees and applicants. It is essential to develop an authentic and credible employer brand and to build an open and trusting relationship with employees. Only then can a successful staff retention and recruitment be guaranteed in the long term.

Why is HR marketing important?

As a company looking for suitable applicants, it is your duty to present yourself as an attractive employer, e.g. on your own career site or in social networks, in oder to not get sidelined in the competition for the best talents. Successful HR marketing makes it possible to stand out from other employers, to inspire the best candidates, and thus to enable entrepreneurial growth.

In the long term, HR marketing supports the identification of employees with their own company through well-designed and actually experienced employer brands and thus significantly reduces employee turnover.

How do employer branding and HR marketing differ?

Employer branding is an essential component of HR marketing. Together with recruiting, they make up the so-called candidate journey, i.e. the path of an applicant from the first contact with a potential employer through the application process to employment in the company.

Employer branding focuses on the company as an employer brand. It shows the strengths and special features of the enterprise and is responsible for employer attractiveness.

HR marketing includes all measures and strategies aimed at acquiring applicants and retaining employees in the long term. The spectrum here ranges from job advertisements, "employees recruit employees" programmes, employee surveys to personnel development. The employer brand forms the basis for all HR marketing measures.

HR marketing or another service from ARTS? What do I really need?

HR marketing is just one of our service areas in HR. We are a 360° full HR agency and offer various support and consulting services starting with employer branding, HR marketing, multiposting, recruiting, onboarding, employee management and outplacement.

Ultimately, all these areas are interlinked and pay off in terms of your HR goals. In discussions with clients, we often hear that key positions are difficult to fill. This is where our work begins: HR marketing measures that align with the employer brand and generate reach. A special recruiting approach, such as active sourcing, brand ambassador programmes, etc. could also contribute to achieving the goal. Creative solutions are needed to get good experts. ARTS is happy to help you as a creative solution provider.

Contact us about your HR marketing needs!

We offer you our 360° expertise as an HR marketing agency, whether it is about a single job advertisement, comprehensive consulting services or a sub-area within the scope of Recruiting as a Service. HR marketing is an important factor in attracting and retaining employees in the long term. Contact us and arrange a preliminary meeting without any obligations. Contact us and arrange a preliminary meeting without any obligations.

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