Hours of sitting, screen work, lack of exercise and mental stress characterise everyday working life in an office. Many employees develop routines away from the monotonous office routine to create a balance. Whether it's sporting hobbies, mental health activities or various after-work activities, a healthy lifestyle requires a good combination of these factors. After all, a full-time employee spends around 1,600 hours at work, i.e. around a fifth of the entire year. Employers therefore have a certain obligation to take measures to maintain the health of their employees.
In recent years, interest in promoting health in the workplace has increased, with companies wanting to create a better and healthier working atmosphere for their employees. After all, only those who come to work healthy and motivated can perform at their best in the long term. These measures are part of comprehensive occupational health management and bring more than just health benefits.
BGF (workplace health promotion) has also recognised the importance of organised health management in a company. This has been established as part of BGM (occupational health management) and the Federal Ministry of Health in order to counteract health-related stress among employees. BGF comprises a package of measures including information events, contact persons for mental health problems and various sports programmes. A Statista survey from 2021 with around 1,000 participants revealed that around 66% of German companies already offer health-promoting measures in the workplace. In another study from 2019, 61% of the 950 companies surveyed stated that investing in health promotion is financially worthwhile for them.
1. Increasing the performance of employees:
Healthy employees are motivated employees. If employees feel good, they can perform better and therefore work more effectively. Studies show that companies that offer health promotion have more productive employees who achieve their goals faster, with greater determination and quality.
2. Strengthening employee loyalty & satisfaction:
Health promotion in the workplace promotes a positive corporate culture and demonstrates general appreciation, which enables employees to develop greater loyalty and thus a bond with the company. If a company offers various programmes in the health sector, it shows that the health of its employees is taken seriously. This makes them more willing to stay with the company for longer and therefore more satisfied.
3. Image enhancement:
If, over time, a company gains the reputation of being an employee-orientated and responsible company that invests in the health of its workforce, this generally has a positive effect on its image and therefore its own employer brand.
4. Improving the working atmosphere:
If companies support their employees with health promotion in the workplace, they feel valued and supported. If other measures to increase employee satisfaction are also integrated, this interaction results in a fundamental sense of well-being. These measures have a positive effect on the overall working atmosphere.
5. Reduction in absenteeism:
Various health measures and offers minimise the risk of illness and health risks. This can reduce absenteeism. Promoting a work-life balance, for example through flexible working hours or home office options, can also reduce absenteeism, as work and private life can be better reconciled.
6. Cost reduction:
If fewer absences occur as a result of workplace health promotion, costs for illness can be effectively saved. In addition to continued salary payments in the event of absence, fluctuation costs can also be avoided. These arise from the recruitment, familiarisation and training of employees. Preventive measures can also prevent accident and injury costs. In many countries, there are also tax and insurance benefits from promoting health in the workplace. According to a study by Techniker Krankenkasse (2018), cost savings resulting from preventive health measures in the company could significantly exceed previous investment costs in occupational health management.
Firstly: The following measures are merely ideas that can be implemented quickly. In the long term, a company needs a strategic health management system that should be customised to the needs of its employees. In order to identify the needs of the workforce, it makes sense to conduct a comprehensive employee survey.
Exercise programmes:
Nutritional programmes:
Stress management and mental health:
Improvement of the working environment:
Health checks and prevention:
Incentives and reward systems:
Health promotion in the workplace is more than just a bonus; it is an investment in a company's most important asset - its employees. It promotes the health, satisfaction, productivity and thus the loyalty of employees to the company and is therefore another important lever of the employer branding strategy. Workplace health promotion is a win-win situation for every company thanks to the various benefits it offers. Employers: There is a wide range of options for promoting health in the workplace, but every small step a company takes in this direction can make a big difference, because the true goal of workplace health promotion is long-term. Those who are healthy can be successful in the long term, and this applies to both people and companies. Together we can create a workplace that not only demands performance, but also enriches lives. Seize the opportunity and take another step towards a healthy future.
We will be happy to support you on your path to workplace health promotion. With a targeted employee survey to uncover the individual needs of your employees.