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Employee Experience: How to get the best out of your employees and increase retention at the same time

06/04/2023 2023/04

Employee Experience - What is it actually?

In recent years, the way we think about employee retention and satisfaction has changed a lot. It used to be mainly about offering employees a decent salary and benefits. Then benefits came along. Today, however, we know that it takes much more to make employees happy, engaged and productive. Employee experience describes the sum of all interactions that an employee has during his or her employment with a company. This includes all aspects of the employee relationship, from recruitment and hiring to the work experience and separation from the company. Employee experience is a holistic concept that takes into account an employee's emotional, physical, cognitive and social experience at work. In the vast majority of cases, the employee experience concept is part of employer branding - and internal employer branding at that.

The relevance of employee experience for companies

Employees are a company's most valuable asset. It is therefore crucial that employers create a work environment that meets the needs and expectations of their employees. Here are some reasons why Employee Experience is important for companies:

  1. Increasing employee retention and satisfaction: A positive employee experience promotes employee engagement and retention. This not only increases employee satisfaction, but also loyalty and willingness to work for the company.
  2. Offer flexible working conditions: Employees appreciate flexibility at work. They want the freedom to do their work in an environment that suits their personal needs. When possible, companies can offer remote working, flexible working hours or other forms of work flexibility.
  3. Invest in employee development: Employees want to develop and improve their skills. Companies can offer training, development programmes and mentoring to help employees improve their skills and take advantage of career opportunities.
  4. Ensure that managers have a positive relationship with employees: A positive relationship between employees and managers is crucial for a good employee experience. Managers should regularly talk to their employees and seek their feedback to better understand their needs and concerns.
  5. Create a pleasant working environment: Employees :inside need a working environment that is safe, clean and comfortable. Companies can invest in designing workspaces that create a productive and inspiring atmosphere.

These steps are a good starting point to create a positive employee experience. However, it is important to note that each employee is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Companies should regularly engage with their employees to get feedback and understand how they can further improve the employee experience.

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How you can improve your employee experience

A good employee experience is crucial for the success of a company, as satisfied and engaged employees lead to higher productivity and employee retention. The employee experience, on the other hand, creates positive touch points between employees and the company in the long term and thus increases overall satisfaction - and thus work performance. One way to improve the employee experience is through empathy and personalisation. By addressing the individual needs and expectations of employees :inside, you can build a connection and foster trust and engagement. In many organisations, it makes sense to create a new position for this purpose that takes care of communication with the workforce, as there are often deficits here due to a lack of time. Another option is to design the working environment and conditions to create a pleasant and motivating atmosphere. Technological solutions and tools can also be used to optimise and simplify work processes. Open and clear communication as well as constructive feedback are also important factors to promote employee engagement and strengthen trust in the company. Finally, strengthening the corporate culture can also help employees identify with the company's values and goals and thus feel more connected to the company. The starting point for this is an employer brand with a pointedly formulated employer value proposition.

 5 steps to improve your employee experience

  1. Create a collaborative and supportive culture: A positive culture encourages collaboration and openness and offers employees a sense of belonging and support. A culture that encourages creativity and innovation can help keep employees engaged and motivated.

  2. Offer flexible working conditions: Employees appreciate flexibility at work. They want the freedom to do their work in an environment that suits their personal needs. When possible, companies can offer remote working, flexible working hours or other forms of work flexibility.
  3. Invest in employee development: Employees want to develop and improve their skills. Companies can offer training, development programmes and mentoring to help employees improve their skills and take advantage of career opportunities.
  4. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Führungskräfte ein positives Verhältnis zu den Mitarbeitern haben: Ein positives Verhältnis zwischen Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften ist entscheidend für eine gute Mitarbeitererfahrung. Führungskräfte sollten regelmäßig mit ihren Mitarbeitern sprechen und deren Feedback einholen, um deren Bedürfnisse und Anliegen besser zu verstehen.
  5. Create a pleasant working environment Employees inside need a working environment that is safe, clean and comfortable. Companies can invest in designing workspaces that create a productive and inspiring atmosphere.

These steps are a good starting point to create a positive employee experience. However, it is important to note that each employee is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Companies should regularly engage with their employees to get feedback and understand how they can further improve the employee experience

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With joy at work: When desk life becomes happiness

Advantages of a positive employee experience

A positive employee experience has numerous benefits for a company. Employees who have a good experience at work tend to be more motivated, engaged and productive. They tend to have a higher quality of work and a lower error rate. They are also more willing to put in extra effort to do their job well and move the company forward. Another benefit is that a company with a positive employee experience is able to attract and retain talented colleagues. Employee retention is strengthened, which is especially beneficial in industries with high turnover. A good employee experience can also improve the company's reputation and help position it as an attractive employer. Finally, a positive employee experience can also increase customer satisfaction, as engaged and satisfied employees often provide better customer service and thus support the business


Critics say that employee experience is a modern buzzword that dresses up the task of HR departments in a new garment. The fact that people should be the focus of a company is nothing new. Nevertheless, employee experience is already more than "just" an HR trend. In the future, companies should focus even more on the needs and wishes of their employees and promote open communication and a culture of trust. This also includes flexible working hours and locations, opportunities for further training and the recognition and appreciation of employees' achievements.

Companies are already desperately looking for qualified candidates. The increasing shortage of skilled workers leads to the need for a positive employee experience and long-term employee retention. Recruiting new talent is resource-consuming and costly. Therefore, it makes sense to reduce the need for recruiting by retaining employees for a long time. How do you achieve this? Through internal employer branding concepts that specifically produce positive employee experiences. So it pays to invest in your existing team!

About the Author
Sally Kießling
Employer Branding Consultant

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