CASE STUDY: Career website relaunch of Znuny
As a recognised software company, Znuny GmbH focuses on the further development and introduction of the OTRS ticket management system.
Based on the developed Employer Value Proposition, our experts took over the conceptual design of the career website.
In the employee survey we conducted, it became clear that Znuny is 100% remote and that this is also its unique selling point as an employer (EVP). The careers website should naturally present this EVP.
After reviewing the existing content in terms of relevance, comprehensibility and persuasiveness, we identified weak points and areas that needed to be optimised. We used clear, concise headlines to arouse the applicants' interest. The text content was also search engine optimised to improve findability.
In line with our developed EPP, Znuny received an attractive concept for an appealing career website, which was implemented internally by a developer. Our experts not only revised the general texts, but also made recommendations for advertised positions so that they are easier to find in search engines and appeal to the right target group of applicants. We have also integrated an interactive element in the form of a test. Applicants can test how well they fit in with Znuny by answering ten simple questions.