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5 tips for professional reorientation

13/11/2024 2021/11

Embarking on a new career path can be an exciting but also challenging phase. Whether you want to reinvent yourself after years in one position, discover a passion in a different field or are looking for a new challenge. The transition to a new career takes some effort. First of all: there is probably no such thing as a job where everything is always great. Many daily stimuli ensure that you are more or less stressed. Even if you love what you do, there will be tasks that take you out of your comfort zone. Responsibilities and commitments shift and often you can't choose the team you have to face the daily challenges with. But don't worry: you're not alone! In this blog post, we show you 5 important tips to help you with your professional reorientation.

A career change needs to be well thought out.      

It is essential that you reflect in advance on whether the desire for reorientation is more of an impulsive desire for change or a lasting longing for professional fulfilment. Listen carefully to yourself if your inner voice is increasingly crying out for change. In any case, it is always the right time to reflect on yourself and question whether you are or will be happy in your job. Create clarity and space to orientate yourself on the job market.

Reasons for a career change

According to a Statista survey conducted in Austria in 2022, 40 per cent of the 1,010 respondents are looking for a new challenge or a higher salary and are therefore opting for a career change. However, these are not the only reasons for a change of perspective. Health reasons or a lack of development opportunities are also often decisive factors for a career change. There are also various triggers in a position that can lead to a resignation. Frequent stress, long working hours or the desire for a better work-life balance can lead to general dissatisfaction within the company, which increases the desire for a career change. However, it does not always have to be a matter of dissatisfaction within the company. Other employers often offer an incentive for a change or personal circumstances provide a reason for reorientation.

"It's never a moment too soon or a moment too late to realize a dream." - John P. Strelecky.

Our 5 tips for career change

Tip 1: Self-reflection

As mentioned above, a successful career restart begins with self-reflection. Is it just a slump because a project has not gone satisfactorily or have you been dissatisfied for a long time and even small successes are not getting you out of your slump? Would it be different in a different company and a different job? Answer these questions honestly and don't be afraid to seek advice from family members or people close to you. An outside perspective often helps to get a complete picture of the situation. Realise where your strengths lie and how you would like to use them in the future. But always remain realistic!

Tip 2: Time factor

You should not make a life-changing decision, such as a career change, overnight. Think carefully about whether it is what you really want. A change just for the sake of change is just as unhelpful as continuing to be unhappy in your job. Therefore, don't force a change in your job that will take you back to your current starting point in the long term. Do thorough research and find out about the various options available to you. The better prepared you are, the more flexible you will be on your way to a new job.

Tip 3: Use networks

Use career platforms such as Xing and LinkedIn for your project. Update your profile with new keywords and recruiters will take notice of you. Use these opportunities to present yourself, but also make sure you keep your CV up to date to be authentic. You can also utilise your personal network outside of social media. Perhaps you have met someone at an event who could help you now or an acquaintance is looking for a professional in their team who has exactly your profile. This could be the starting signal for your professional reorientation.

Tip 4: Apply authentically

Take action and write applications. You can find valuable tips on what makes a good application here. Be open, realistic, honest and don't copy phrases from a guidebook.

Tip 5: Don't let failures demotivate you

By taking the step to reorient yourself professionally, you have already left your comfort zone and are ready to make a change. Don't let yourself be unsettled now and don't give up when setbacks occur. Not all the applications you send out may be successful, but every step you take from now on is an experience from which you can learn and draw positive conclusions.


It's never too late to change career direction, no matter what age or career stage you are at. It's an exciting but challenging process that requires careful planning, flexibility and patience. Use our 5 tips to help you decide whether you even want to make the move to a new company and how to go about it properly. The journey may not always be easy, but with the right preparation you will achieve your career goals and move towards a new, fulfilling future. Career reorientation not only offers the opportunity to develop yourself further, but also the chance to find your dream job. Alongside other companies, we are also looking for active co-creators for our customers. Take a look at our job board to see if there is anything suitable for your professional reorientation. If you don't find what you are looking for, you are also welcome to send us an unsolicited application. We look forward to getting to know you. So, get ready to take the first step - you have everything you need to be successful!


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