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5 tips for professional reorientation

30/11/2021 2021/11

First of all: the one job where everything is always great probably doesn't exist. Many daily impulses make you be more or less stressed. Even if you love what you do and do what you love, there will be tasks that take you out of your comfort zone. Responsibilities and liabilities shift and often you don't get to choose the team you have to face daily challenges with. 

A career change needs to be well thought out.      

Be sure to reflect in advance whether the desire for reorientation is more of an impulsive desire for change or a sustained longing for professional fulfilment. Listen carefully to yourself when your inner voice cries out more and more for change. In any case, it is always the right time to reflect on yourself and question whether you are or will be happy in your job. Create clarity and space for yourself to orientate yourself on the job market.

Reasons for a career change

According to the Orizon Labour Market Study from 2016, 36 percent of respondents are striving for new professional challenges and therefore decide to make a new career start. However, this is not the only reason for a change of perspective. Health reasons or a lack of development opportunities are also often decisive for a career change. Whatever it is in your particular case, the career change offers you new opportunities to develop.

"It's never a moment too soon or a moment too late to realize a dream." - John P. Strelecky.

Our 5 tips for career change

Tip 1: Self-reflection

A successful career reboot starts, as alluded to above, with self-reflection. Is it just a slump because a project did not go satisfactorily, or have you been dissatisfied for a long time and even small successes are not bringing you out of your slump? Would it be different in another company and another job? Answer these questions honestly and don't be afraid to seek advice from family members or people close to you. Often it helps to have an outside perspective to get a full picture of the situation. Be clear about where your strengths lie and how you would like to use them in the future. But always remain realistic!

Tip 2: Time factor

A life-changing decision such as a career change should not be made overnight. Think carefully about whether this is what you really want. A change just for the sake of change is just as unproductive as continuing to be unhappy in your job. Therefore, do not force a change in your job that will bring you back to your current starting point in the long run. Research thoroughly and inform yourself about the different options available to you. The better prepared you are, the more flexible you will be on your way to the new job.

Many companies offer you the possibility to apply online directly on their website.

Tip 3: Use networks

Use career platforms like Xing and LinkedIn in your endeavour. Update your profile with new keywords and recruiters will take notice of you. Use these opportunities to present yourself, but also make sure you keep your CV up to date to be authentic. But you can also use your personal network apart from social media. Maybe you met someone at an event who could help you now, or an acquaintance is looking for a professional in his team who has exactly your profile. This could be the starting point for your professional reorientation.

Tip 4: Apply authentically

Get active and write applications. You can find valuable tips on what is important for a good application. Be open, realistic, honest and don't copy phrases from a guidebook.

Tip 5: Don't let failures demotivate you

By taking the step to change your career, you have already left your comfort zone and are ready to change something. Don't be unsettled now and don't give up if there are setbacks. Maybe not all applications you send out are successful. Every step you take from now on is an experience from which you can learn and draw positive conclusions.

Use the current situation for a job reorientation

It is never too late to reorientate yourself professionally, no matter what age or career stage you are in. In the current situation, you may be reluctant to send out job applications. However, there is nothing to be said against good preparation. Take advantage of the time you currently have available, perhaps through short-time work or home office, to actively research possible prospects.

Some companies, however, are looking for candidates right now in order to make optimum use of their capacities. We, as well, continue to look for lateral thinkers and creative contributors for our clients. Take a look at our job exchange to see if there is something suitable for your professional reorientation. If you do not find what you are looking for, you are welcome to send us a unsolicited application. We look forward to getting to know you.

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