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Indeed job ads

Are you looking to meet your staffing needs by placing Indee job ads? Then ARTS is the right place for you. Depending on your individual applicant target group, we recommend various strategies to successfully attract your future employees on Indeed.

With more than 100 million website visits per month, Indeed is currently the largest job platform in the world and active in more than 60 countries. More and more companies are working with Indeed to find suitable applicants, including ARTS and its customers.

Placing Indeed job ads is only one of the many options ARTS offers you. In addition, we can run more extensive Indeed campaigns and find suitable candidates for you in the Indeed CV database as part of our social recruiting. In this database we have access to a wide range of candidates with different qualifications and skills. We can view candidate profiles, download resumes and schedule interviews, which simplifies your overall recruitment process and increases its efficiency.

If you want to take your recruitment to the next level, Indeed job ads combined with ARTS services are the perfect solution!

Post Indeed job ads with ARTS

Single placement

Together with our HR Marketing Consultants, you define a budget framework for your vacancy. We take over the job optimization incl. keyword analysis and the job publication for you.

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Indeed Campaigns

ARTS will be happy to design and implement Indeed campaigns for you, e.g. for entire occupational groups, regions, specialist areas or special applicant target groups.

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Active Sourcing

Social Recruiting

Our recruiters efficiently handle the search, contact, and subsequent applicant management of suitable candidates in the Indeed CV database, ensuring effective candidate sourcing and management.

Social Recruiting


Would you like to advertise a single vacancy on Indeed?

Single placement of an Indeed job ad

In consultation with our HR Marketing Consultants, you set a budget for your Indeed job ad - we take care of the rest.

  • Analysis of your target applicant group
  • Keyword optimization of your job ad according to SEO-relevant criteria
  • Publication of your job ad on Indeed via the ARTS company profile OR creation of your own company account incl. subsequent support
  • Regular refresh of the job advertisement
  • Monitoring and reporting



You want to realize a recruiting campaign on Indeed?

Indeed campaigns

Benefit from our more than 20 years of know-how as a multiposting agency!

We take over the conception and implementation of recruiting campaigns on Indeed for you, but also give you recommendations for other suitable recruiting measures.

  • Analysis of your applicant target groups
  • Channel recommendations beyond Indeed (online job boards such as Stepstone, job search engines, search engines, social media, print media and many other channels, such as eBay)
  • Keyword optimization of all positions to be filled according to SEO-relevant criteria
  • Publication of your job offers on Indeed including constant campaign support
  • Regular refresh of the job advertisements
  • Monitoring and reporting


Consulting for your job ad
from € 365

per job plus VAT

You will receive:

- Analysis of your target candidate group for one vacancy
- Comprehensive keyword research for optimisation of your job ad
- Development of a 4- to 8-week media plan based on your pre-defined budget, including Indeed, other online job boards, Social Media, Google Ads, Print, Radio, TV, Out-Of-Home and more
- Job optimization according to current HR marketing trends incl. SEO aspects and proofreading

Additionally available upon request:

- Ad design for all publication channels according to media plan in line with your corporate design
- Publication of adverts
- Controlling & Reporting

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You don't have the time to make full use of the Indeed CV database?

Social Recruiting on Indeed

In order to achieve the best results in recruiting, it makes strategic sense to complement online job posting with other recruiting measures such as social recruiting.

Our recruiters have the necessary experience and know exactly which strategies and measures are necessary on Indeed to address and convince the right people via Social Recruiting.

  • Creation of target group specific search profiles
  • Searching and addressing suitable talents in the Indeed applicant database
  • Taking over the initial communication with applicants
  • Transmission of all relevant applicant documents
  • If desired, take over applicant and rejection management


Active Sourcing of Talents


What are the advantages of placing Indeed job ads?

maximal reach

Wide range

Indeed is one of the largest job platforms in the world and reaches a wide audience of job seekers. Posting Indeed job ads can increase your visibility to reach more qualified applicants.

saving costs

Cost efficiency

Indeed has several options for ad placement, including paid and unpaid. You can set your budget according to your requirements and choose which option is most suitable.

Statistics and analysis

ARTS provides you with various KPIs and analytics for your Indeed job ads. This data helps you optimize your recruitment strategy and create an efficient hiring process.

CPC system

Indeed is based on a cost-per-click (CPC) system. This means you only pay when people click on your premium job ad.

Active Sourcing

Indeed CVs

With over 200 million resumes worldwide, ARTS can find candidates for you through Indeed for virtually any position, industry or location.

Indeed Premium Company Profile

With a premium company profile you can present your employer brand on Indeed to convince potential applicants :inside about your company.


Indeed - job board or job search engine?

Before posting an Indeed job ad, it is important to understand what the differences are between a job board and a job search engine. 

The job offers on a job board are usually created by the companies themselves and published directly on the platform. Examples of classic job boards are StepStone, Monster, Xing Jobs and LinkedIn Jobs.

A job search engine, on the other hand, is a platform that collects job offers from various job boards, company career pages, and other sources and brings them together in one central location. When a job seeker clicks on a job posting in the search results, they are typically redirected to the original source of the job posting, be it a job board or a company website, to apply. Examples of job search engines include Indeed, Google for Jobs, and SimplyHired.

This understanding is important to understand how the platform operates and why on Indeed it is even more important to give sufficient thought to the appropriate job ad type, job title and pricing model in advance.


What options do you have for placing Indeed job ads?

Indeed offers several ways to post job ads to help you as a company recruit talent. Here we present the most common options and explain why premium job ads are the first choice for us.

Unpaid job ads

  • Standard job ads are displayed on Indeed search results pages and are searchable by job seekers.

Paid premium job ads

  • Sponsored job ads allow you to increase your company's visibility on Indeed.
  • These ads appear at the top of search results and are highlighted in color to attract the attention of job seekers. This usually gives them more visibility and clicks than free standard ads.
  • You are 4.5 times more likely to successfully fill your job than with free job ads.
  • You only pay when job seekers click on your job ads.


Frequently asked questions about Indeed job ads

Why is it worth posting Indeed job ads?

Indeed job ads help you reach more candidates, attract the right candidates and increase your chances of finding qualified employees with a flexible budget.

How long does my Indeed job ad run?

The duration of your Indeed job ad depends on various factors and can be customized to your needs.

Standard duration: The standard duration of a job ad is usually 30 days.
Extension options: You have the option to extend the duration of your Indeed job ad if needed. This can be done either free of charge or for an additional fee, depending on individual agreements and the pricing model you choose.
Immediate deactivation: you can also deactivate your job ad before the standard term expires. This can be useful if you have already received the desired applications or your hiring needs have changed.

How much will an Indeed job ad cost me?

As an employer, you have the option to set a maximum monthly budget that you would like to spend on your ads. This budget can range from 10 euros to 800 euros or more. For users who are already familiar with the pay-per-click model (PCP), Indeed offers the possibility to set a maximum click price or a daily budget. The specified click prices range from 15 to 90 cents. Our HR Marketing Consultants can gladly handle this form of campaign management for you.

ARTS will be happy to advise you on which budget is the most appropriate for your position.

Does Indeed automatically update my job ad during runtime?

Yes, Indeed will automatically update your job posting during the term to ensure it remains relevant and current. This includes updating information such as title, description, location, and other relevant details to ensure that potential applicants always receive the latest and most accurate information.

In which countries can I post my job ad on Indeed?

Indeed is one of the largest global job search engines and allows you to post job ads in over 60 countries. If you would like to know if Indeed job ads are postable in your target region, feel free to contact us.

Can I use my corporate design for Indeed job ads?

Yes, Indeed allows you to use your own design in job ads to best showcase your employer brand. Indeed offers several options to customize the design, such as employer logo, company description and color scheme. ARTS will be happy to publish your Indeed job ad in the layout of your choice.

Can I create a company profile on Indeed?

Yes, Indeed allows you to create a company profile to showcase your employer brand and attract applicants :inside. The company profile on Indeed allows you to present important information about your company and give potential candidates an insight into your corporate culture, values and working environment. ARTS will be happy to create and maintain your Indeed company profile.

Which applicant target groups do I reach on Indeed?

You can reach a wide range of applicant target groups on Indeed, as the platform targets a high number of job seekers from different professional fields, regions and career levels. Here are some candidate target groups you can reach on Indeed: Career starters, experienced professionals, industry experts, career changers, as well as part-time and part-time job seekers and junior employees.

What information and data does ARTS need to publish job ads on Indeed?

In order to prepare the job publication on Indeed, we need your job advertisement with the exact requirements, tasks and benefits. You are welcome to send us this information as a copyable Word or PDF document via email or provide us with a link to the job advertisement.


You want to place Indeed job ads with ARTS?

You have identified Indeed as a useful recruitment channel, but you do not want to take over the publication of your Indeed job ads or the use of the Indeed CV database yourself? Then ARTS is the right partner for you. We take care of the entire process on Indeed, from the analysis of your candidate target group to reporting. Contact us!

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