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Effective trainee marketing for companies

Career websites

Specialised landing pages

ARTS offers holistic analysis, development and text optimisation for your landing pages in order to target young talent with your training marketing. We also provide you with our expertise to optimise your existing careers page.


Print HR Marketing

Meaningful print media

To engage Gen Z, we utilize online strategies and distribute eye-catching flyers, brochures, and posters at schools. Our creative team ensures an appealing design that captures the attention of the desired applicant demographic.

Target Group Young Talents

Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Social Media Marketing

ARTS manages your social media development, maintains channels, and automates successful training marketing ad placements. We specialize in effectively engaging the young generation across relevant networks.

Social Media Recruitment

Programmatic Job Marketing

Posting job advertisements

With our 360° HR agency, you save valuable time when publishing your job adverts. Our dedicated team will take care of the entire process for you, from precise target group analysis to professional design and placement on all relevant portals.

E-Mail Marketing

Social Media Interaction

Events at your place or at schools

We provide students with captivating glimpses into diverse professions through school visits, trade fairs, and events. Additionally, we facilitate firsthand experiences of your company's work environment through open days and guided tours.

E-Mail Marketing

Do you have any questions? We're there to help you!

Request a non-binding consultation now. Simply fill out our contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Consulting for your Trainee positions
from € 365

per job plus VAT

You will receive:

- Target group analysis of your young applicants for an open vacancy
- Holistic keyword analysis for the optimal keywording of your job advert
- Media plan for channel selection according to pre-defined budget for 4 to 8 weeks (online job boards, social media, GoogleAds, print, out of home...)
- Job optimization according to current HR marketing trends incl. SEO aspects and proofreading

Additionally available upon request:

- Ad design for all publication channels according to media plan in line with your corporate design
- Publication of adverts
- Controlling & Reporting
- Analysis of your social media marketing activities incl. creation of a catalogue of measures for your own implementation


Contact Us



Optimise your career site for young talents with ARTS

Dedicated landing pages for young talents

Looking for a landing page that catches young talent at first glance?
Our experts will develop a careers page that is perfectly tailored to your needs and characterised by a clear, attractive design.  We can also advise you on how to optimise your existing landing page and make it particularly appealing to Generation Z and Alpha.

  • Advice on optimising your existing career website
  • Carrying out SEO analyses
  • Targeted development of landing pages for your young talent
  • Creation of content, in particular images, texts and video material



Is print media still relevant for generations Z and Alpha?

Print media jop postings

Print media that convince pupils

The direct use of flyers and brochures at specific educational establishments aimed at your target group leaves a lasting impression.

ARTS takes on the creation and distribution of print media such as flyers, brochures and posters to effectively complement your online recruitment marketing measures. In this way, we reach potential young professionals in a targeted manner and create a comprehensive presence at the educational institutions relevant to your company.

  • Design, text and printing of your print media according to your design specifications
  • Distribution and positioning of materials in selected educational institutions



Would you like to attract trainees via social media, but don't know how?

Social Media Recruiting

ARTS designs and implements your social media marketing strategies

ARTS takes care of the creative design and maintenance of your social media channels, including platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook and Twitch.
We place online advertisements on social media as well as on the Google advertising network in order to specifically address your young target group.
Our team ensures a continuous, engaging feed and presents your company optimally on these platforms.

  • Platforms we cover include Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Xing and Twitch
  • Analysis of existing social media activities
  • Conception of comprehensive social media strategies for your employer branding or for direct recruitment
  • Setting up and maintaining your social media channels
  • Channel-specific content creation such as texts, images, sound recordings and videos



Do you spend too much time publicising your apprenticeships?

Programmatic Job Marketing

Quickly and easily display job advertisements

With our support, you can automatically advertise your junior jobs in a variety of online job boards, job search engines and selected target group-relevant offline channels. In this way, your junior positions in the target group are recognized – with minimal effort.

  • Job optimization with regard to relevant search terms for, among other things, job titles
  • Job posting on generalist online job boards such as StepStone and Jobware
  • Job posting on specialized junior job boards such as Absolventa, Jobteaser or Connecticum
  • Job posting on high-reach job search engines like Indeed
  • Alternative channels such as eBay, print, (digital) out-of-home as well as radio and TV



Which career fair fits your target group?

Recruiting events for trainees

We help you to target potential applicants at career fairs and events at schools. Together with you, ARTS ensures optimal planning and participation in suitable trade fairs and events.

  • Selection of events and trade fairs to suit your young target group
  • Organisation and realisation of trade fair stands and accompanying materials as well as promotional items
  • active support of the trade fair stand by representing your employer brand and open vacancies
  • Trade fair preparation, e. g. dispatch of information materials or organisation of job interviews
  • Organisation of company visits, school visits and open days


Social Media Interaction


Frequently asked questions about trainee marketing

Can trainee marketing serve as a decisive factor in counteracting the shortage of skilled labour?

In view of the continuing shortage of skilled workers, trainee marketing, like university marketing, is a key challenge for companies. Against the backdrop of a limited selection of candidates and the impact of demographic change and internationalisation, companies are looking for solutions to attract qualified young people. The long-term shortage of skilled workers is a permanent challenge for companies. The long-term shortage of skilled workers is a permanent challenge for companies, making fewer applications and insufficient qualifications a reality. Small and medium-sized enterprises are particularly affected, faced with challenges related to staff shortages and limited financial resources. Against this background, the trend is towards adapting the requirements to the trainees and increasing reliance on recrutainment-methods. The implementation of measures to attract young talent, in particular through employer branding and training marketing, is proving to be decisive.

ARTS - your partner for successful trainee marketing?

With our services in training marketing, you can arouse the interest of students and future specialists for entry-level positions in your company.

In the "Trainee marketing" category at ARTS, you will find everything you need to successfully attract and retain trainees. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled labour, it is very important for companies to present themselves as an attractive employer and attract the attention of future trainees. 

Secure your potential skilled labour now with our training marketing. Contact us today and let us analyse together which measures are recommended for your target applicant group. As a personnel marketing agency, we are able to advise and support you along the entire candidate journey of young talent.

What do today's trainees want?

Today's trainees, especially Generation Z and Alpha, place great emphasis on many factors that go beyond traditional aspects. Some important key factors for trainees are, for example, a modern working environment and technologies, professional development, work-life balance, meaningful tasks, recognition, diversity, digitalization and entrepreneurial sustainability. By taking these aspects into account and integrating them into your training offerings, you can successfully meet the needs and expectations of today's trainees.

How can I successfully recruit trainees?

Optimize your online presence with an appealing website. Make active use of social media platforms and use hashtags for more reach. Create interactive career pages and collaborate with schools. Present yourself at training fairs and rely on targeted online advertising and employer branding for maximum visibility. As a 360° HR agency, we can assist you in all these tasks. Do not hesitate to contact us!

How do I approach trainees?

Targeted measures in training marketing are crucial for successfully approaching potential trainees and attracting them. Clear communication, an interactive online presence, the use of social media, targeted keywords, practical information and clear calls to action on the landing page are key elements in positioning your company as an attractive training organisation and successfully appealing to trainees.

What is trainee marketing?

Trainee marketing, also known as apprenticeship marketing, aims to utilise targeted marketing strategies to attract potential trainees in a highly competitive market. Key aspects include creating an attractive employer brand by clearly communicating corporate culture and development opportunities.
Medium-sized companies should optimise their online presence and use youthful language and visual content to address their target group. Co-operation with educational institutions and a transparent presentation of training opportunities are key elements in filling training places and building long-term relationships with future employees.

Why is training marketing important?

Trainee marketing is crucial to attracting talent by attracting motivated trainees through targeted advertising and at the same time building a strong employer brand. In the long term, this promotes the retention of skilled labour, innovation, social responsibility, adaptation to the labour market and strengthens corporate culture and flexibility.

Would you like to address trainees specifically?

Our aim is to successfully support you in your training marketing! We use our experience to help you plan and implement your recruitment campaigns. Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation!

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